A Monster - Part 14

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A/N: Another argument incoming!

"Y/N? There's no reason to be scared, you can finally see everything again!"

  I felt Camilo's hand slightly touch my blindfold. I slapped his hand away and started to run.

"STOP!" I yelled out.

"What? What's wrong?"

"Why are you so interested in taking off my blindfold now? We've been friends for a bit and it never was a concern, it's just a part of me."

"You said an injury is why you wear it. Why are you getting so upset?"

"Because you're being pushy."

"I'm just trying to help you, I'm not trying to-"

"Don't meddle in things you don't understand." I cut him off.

"Then explain. Somehow let me understand why you don't want to SEE ME!"

  I stood in shock, I never said I didn't want to see him. I want to see everyone but I can't. I was never meant to. I'll ruin everything. I'll hurt everyone. My back is aching.

"Us, I mean us. Casita and my family, that is." Camilo continued.

"I never said I didn't, I want to it's just-"

"You're afraid of what you'll see, right?"


"Have you ever even seen your Pa?"

"Stop it." I said quietly.

"What about the sunsets you love so much? Have you seen any of it?"

  My back hurts. No, it burns. Not again, not now. How can I get out of here?

"I'm leaving." I sternly started making my way to the door.

  Camilo sped up and grabbed my arm before profusely apologizing. I don't want apologies right now.

"Camilo, I want to be alone."

"I- I understand. I'm sorry, I went too far."

"Yeah, me too." I sighed, slightly stomping off.

  I really am a monster, huh? Trouble follows me- no. I am the trouble.

She was right the whole time.

  I don't want to go home. Pa will know something is wrong and I don't want to worry him about any of this. Plus he's wanting to go to the engagement party later, him knowing that me and Camilo are fighting could ruin that. I don't want to ruin his plans because of my issues. There's only one other place I know of, let's hope that Camilo doesn't have the same idea.

  I continued down Casita's path before taking the small detour to the soft grass. I kept journeying onward until I had reached the spot Camilo first took me to. I plopped down in a spot and stretched out my legs. I brought my hands up into a stretch that leaned into me laying down in the grass.
  The soft ripples of grass invited me in. The blades softly caressing my face as I take my deep breaths, thinking. What am I supposed to do?


  I shot up from my spot, turning towards the sound. I immediately knew who it was.


His steps started getting closer.

"I'll go."
  I smiled as I started to slowly rise from the imprint I made within the earth.

"No, please stay. We don't have to say anything."

  I shrugged my shoulders at his request and propped myself up on my elbows, still leaning back. It didn't take long for me to retake my position laying in the grass. Camilo's company is always nice. I never would've guessed his presence would still be comforting when we're fighting, even if I'm feeling a bit unnerved about him being here.
  The wind brushed across my face before Camilo softly started up,

"I know I said we didn't have to talk but there's a river nearby. We should go sometime."

  I couldn't even hear him smile.

"Yeah, for sure. We'll go next time."

  The air is so thick, what do I do?

"Camilo, what time is it?"

"Oh, it's getting kind of late. Last I checked it was about 4pm."

"Don't you have an engagement party to set up?"

"Yeah." he said quietly.
"Yeah!" He then said again before jolting up.

"I've got to go, Mami is going to kill me! But uh- Y/N, I am sorry. I know I already said it but I took it way too far."

"Yeah," I paused, "I'm sorry too. I know I said that but I shouldn't have taken all that out on you when you didn't know."

"If you don't mind me asking, what don't I know?"

"A lot." I chuckled out trying to replace my sad smile.

"Alright, well I'll see you around?" Camilo awkwardly chuckled out.

  This is the first time that sentence has been more of a question than a statement.

"Yep!" I smiled, finally sitting up from the grass to face Camilo.
"Adios, Camilo! Good luck with engagement things."

"Yeah, I'm going to need it." He giggled.
"Adios, Y/N."

  With that Camilo's steps strayed farther and farther away. I raised my head back up to the sky, taking in the warmth. I leaned right back into my imprint and let the wind guide me.
  It's so peaceful here, I wish Camilo could stay. No, we're fighting right now. Well not really anymore. We apologized, but it still hurt. I don't know anymore.
  I focused my energy on my breathing, trying my best to calm down. The warmth of the sun acted as my blanket and the soft earth beneath me was as comfortable as a bed. I found myself lost in the peaceful atmosphere, drifting away.

894 words

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