The Madrigals? - Part 7

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  After a long explanation from Pa, I now understand why Camilo wanted me to go to his Tía. I'm also understanding what Pa meant when he said Camilo was gifted in the town earlier.

"Wait, wait so Camilo shapeshifts?" I asked again.



"Yes, I'm sure. I saw it earlier when he turned into me while we shook hands."

"That's-," I paused for a second, unable to keep my composure. "SO COOL!"

"I know, I know! The entire family is just as amazing!"

"Tell me more about them! I want to know everything you know!" I said, raising my voice while kicking my feet against the chair I was sitting in.

  Pa just giggling to himself over my interest in the topic. Of course I'm interested in Camilo! He's my friend after all! He's been so nice to me and returning that kindness is the least I can do. 
  Pa continued describing the gifts of everyone in the Madrigal family, saying there were only two people he didn't know about. Mirabel and Antonio. Apparently Bruno disappeared some time ago but he could see the future? That's a very scary gift and of course since he's been missing, it leads to a scary outcome. I hope he's alright.

  Then Antonio's ceremony is tomorrow so we'll see what his gift is but what about Mirabel? Is her gift a secret or did she not get one? That wouldn't make sense though. Why would only one member of the Madrigal's not get a gift? I shook the thought out of my head before letting out a yawn.

"Getting tired?" I nodded my head in response. Pa stood up and patted my hand before walking to his room,

"Alright then, goodnight! See you in the morning!"

"Yep, goodnight. Talk to you tomorrow!" I said heading towards my room.

   I patted my hands on my bed before I plopped down. I just sat on my back for a bit, thinking. I forgot to ask Pa to check if there was another star. I'll just have to ask tomorrow, I hope Camilo actually wants me to go to the ceremony. He didn't invite me. But I did leave suddenly so maybe he was planning on it? Maybe I shouldn't go. There's no way Pa will let me sit this one out though. Plus, I'm kind of curious what a gift ceremony is.

Camilo Pov:

"Ugh" I let out while sitting at my hideout.

  The one place no one bothers me. Not to say that I hate my family or the town or anything like that. Just- I just want some quiet. I know everyone is getting ready for Antonio's ceremony. I'll help out tomorrow but for now, I just want some quiet. I slowly sat backwards until I was laying down. Looking up at the clouds, I took some deep breaths.

  I wish Y/N was with me right now.

  He's so fun to be around. He looked so worried when his dad showed up, though. Did I scare him? I must've made it too awkward. I hope he doesn't hate me.
Wait- I blinked slowly.

Hmmm, I feel like I forgot to do-

"ANTONIO'S CEREMONY!" I yelled out. I COMPLETELY FORGOT TO INVITE Y/N! I firmly rested my palm on my forehead.

mama is going to kill me.

  A shiver running down my spine. Another reason I should be alone for a little bit longer. I looked up to the sky realizing that it was starting to get darker, I sat up seeing the clouds almost fully disappeared.

  The sun was setting, just like it did that fateful day. Just sadly this beautiful sunset wasn't accompanied by mi niño guapo.

617 words

Stars Burn - CamiloxM!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now