We're Exhausted - Part 22

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  My ears are ringing. It's loud but it's so quiet.

What happened?


  I brought my hands up and placed them onto the area surrounding me.

I'm trapped.

This place is small. It's so cold here. My head hurts.
  I placed my hands on the back of my head and it stung. What did I do? I pressed myself back onto the cement surrounding me.
  The cold felt nice on my head but it didn't take long to sting again. I started pushing my body weight onto the sides of this place but nothing would budge. I felt around some more and the ground was just dirt with some smaller cement pieces.
  I layed down on the soft earth and let what little grass there was brush against me.

  I can pretend I'm at my special spot at least. My special spot? It's not mine, it's ours.

  Whose? Who else likes it? I let out a sigh and rolled onto my back.

Camilo POV:

  Andrés offered for us to use his house for the night- well he said for as long as we need but I don't know if that'll work out well. Everyone was supposed to stay together but Andrés' house wasn't big enough for all of us so we ended up splitting up. Despite what protests I could muster, my family stayed with Andrés.
  He was being incredibly welcoming, enough so that it made me angry. How could he continue smiling at a time like this? No, I can’t think like that.    
  He’s just trying his best to make sure we feel comfortable since we’re staying here. I snapped from my thoughts and took in my surroundings. Antonio was already asleep on a couch sitting near the middle of the room, just past the kitchen I barely stood in. Dolores sat next to him saying something so quiet I couldn’t make it out.
  The adults stood in front of me talking in sorrowful tones with forced smiles trying to exchange pleasantries. I don’t know how long it’s been or how long I’ve been standing in this doorway with my eyes on the floor.

  My eyes slowly glided over everyone and to the rest of the house. More specifically an open doorway, the only open doorway. Y/N’s room. I desperately dragged my body towards his room. He must be in there. That’s why Andrés is so calm because you’re still here, right?
  You wouldn’t do something so reckless, right? Answer me, Y/N. Please… be there.
  I reached my hand onto the door frame and pulled myself to the entrance.

Then the door shut quickly.

“Camilo.” Andres said with the same tone as earlier.

  That’s all it took. Everything I had been holding back. I had already cried, much more than I ever have before so why won’t they stop?

           Why can’t I STOP CRYING?

  This is his dad. His family but here he is straight faced in front of me. Why doesn’t he care? Why won’t he let me see Y/N? Is he in that room? How could Andrès do this to me? I just want to make sure Y/N is alright.

“I just want to see him.” my voice quivered but Andres just sighed.

“He isn’t in there. We both know that, which is why I’m closing it.”

  Mami ran over to me and guided me to the living room before apologizing to Andrès.
  He reassured her that everything was alright. That it wasn’t a problem. How can he say that?
  Mami wore a strange expression when she came back to lay down. I couldn’t tell if she was upset with me or not. Her eyes were squinted and her jaw clenched yet she looked like she was holding back tears too.

  Andres showed back up shortly with more blankets, wishing us a goodnight. It barely took any time at all for my family to fall asleep. I'm sure they were exhausted too.

I wish I could sleep.

663 words

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