Laughter - Part 17

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"And here we are!" Camilo stated triumphantly, letting go of my hand.

  My hand feels strangely cold now. I had been so caught up in my own thoughts I completely forgot he was taking me somewhere. I moved my head around trying to take in the surroundings.

  The earth was beneath me, no longer in Casita. The sound of birds was loud and clear. I can feel the sun shining on the back of my head, making my H/C hair feel like it was on fire when I ran my fingers through it. Another sound nearby was water, not rushing water but there was definitely moving water of some sort.

  "Where are we?" I finally asked.

  "It's a secret place! Well, sort of. Mirabel knows about it and brings her dates here every once in a while."

  Hmmm, that sounds pretty cool. He brought me to a semi-secret base somewhere in the woods when he's supposed to be grounded. We kind of snuck out, huh? Wait-

  "Mirabel goes on dates?"

  I heard Camilo's hand hit his chest.
  "Ouch, on her behalf."

  Dios MiO, he's so dramatic.

  "Sorry, I just didn't ever think about it. But it makes sense that she would! She's super nice!"

  "Yeah, she is." Camilo trailed off.

  "Who all has she brought here?"

  "Huh? Oh, I think she brought a few guys here at some point. She also brought a girl farther out in Encanto here last month but I'm not sure if they're still talking. Why such a big interest in Mirabel's love life? I'm the one who brought you to the secret place, ya know?"

  "I know that! I was just curious, that's all. Something I'm more curious about is why you brought me here. It seems to be a date spot, right?"

  Camilo went quiet. Did I mess it up? I was just trying to be confident.

  "Yeah, it is. I just love this place and thought you would too! I brought my uke too if maybe you wanted to listen to me again?"

  "Is that even a question? I'm always down to listen to you play!"

  Camilo's grin was back and his footsteps were trailing off, twigs snapping every few steps. I followed the soft crunches until I heard a loud plop from Camilo sitting down.

  I couldn't stop laughing. He once made fun of me for just plopping down, but here he was sitting down louder than I do.

  "Yeah, Yeah. I know that was dramatic but this tree is worthy of such treatment!"

  "Oh? Why is that?" I laughed while gliding my hand across the tree's bark before sliding down into a criss-cross position.

  "Well, it's really just pretty." Camilo awkwardly giggled.

  I nodded my head in response, that's very Camilo. I heard him shuffle some before plucking the strings of his ukulele a bit.



"Well, Señor Andrés told me at the engagement party that you used to sing a bit before coming to Encanto so I was wondering if maybe we could sing together?"

"Like a duet?"

"Yeah, exactly like that."

  I hadn't seriously sung for quite a while but somehow singing with Camilo felt nice. Even though my voice cracked once or twice, we still sounded great together! Our voices danced in the air as the sweet strum of Camilo's ukulele echoed amongst the trees. The peaceful sound of water moving somewhere near, once we had finished singing I couldn't help but let out a few giggles.

  "What's so funny? We sounded great!" Camilo said in awe.

  "It's just that! We sounded great together! I haven't really sung with many people before so it's great that it went so well."

  "I think it would've sounded great either way."

  "Oh? Why's that?"

  Camilo triumphantly took his hands off the uke and hit them against his chest,

  "Because I'm here, of course!"
  I deadpanned before standing up and walking away.

  "Wait! Where are you going? No! Y/N, come back! I didn't mean it! It's because you sing beautifully! Is it because we're together? Its- STOP WALKING!"

  Camilo's voice continued to trail on, continuously getting more muffled the farther away I walked. I eventually stopped, now hearing the water in front of me.

  And not too far behind where I had stopped was Camilo, completely out of breath.

  "You didn't have to leave me, ya know?"

  "Stop pouting, I did it for comedic effect!"

  "Well, I'm sure it will make a great story."

  "Exactly! You know what else would make a great story?"

  "What?" Camilo questioned.

  I placed my hands on Camilo's shoulder then quickly brought them down into his hands.

  "If you ended up in this river." I smirked, pushing Camilo into the water.

  "HEY!" Camilo yelled before I heard a large splash.
  A few water droplets hit my face and an angry Camilo groaned.
  I couldn't contain my laughter. I was laughing so hard I fell to the ground and started hitting it. He even spit up some water, I can't- this is so funny.

  "Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up, Y/N. But you're next."

  "Oh- I am?" I muffled between fits of chuckles.

  "You sure are."

  Before I could even protest, I could hear Camilo leaving the river. I immediately got back up on my feet, I will not go down without a fight. His sopping wet clothes definitely had to be weighing him down some, surely I can get away.

  "Y/N, I wouldn't try it. I know these woods and you do not, my dear."

  I can hear him ringing out his clothes, I need to get a headstart! I started backwards towards where we came from before hitting a tree. Was I not in the right spot? I could've sworn we came from this area.

  "Y/N, there's no need to fight it. Obviously, it's destiny."

  "Not if I have anything to say about it."

  I ran full force towards Camilo. I thought he would dodge or at least make an attempt to, but he did not.



  Camilo's laughter filled the forest, birds chirping in the trees as the sunlight fell lightly on us. No longer did it burn but it felt nice, I was content in this forest. I was happy with Camilo. I joined in on the laughter and let the sound echo through my mind.

I will never forget this moment.

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