Another Day - Part 12

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  When I woke up, I went to the kitchen. Normally Pa is up before me and cooking or cleaning or doing something but he wasn't this morning.

  Maybe Señora Alma wasn't kidding about the drinks being strong. I deadpanned, how many drinks did he have? I went over to Pa's door and knocked before opening it,

"Pa? Are you here?"

  I didn't hear anything. No breathing, no response, no groans, nothing. I guess he isn't home? Why wouldn't he be home, though? Maybe he couldn't make it home?

  Goodness, when I said have fun I didn't mean to be irresponsible. I guess I understand it though. He's been stuck with me and no one else for the past 10 years, I'm sure he's gotten lonely. It makes sense to go a little overboard when you haven't done something like that in so long. I hope he had fun because if he drank so much he couldn't get home, he probably isn't going to be having fun today. Maybe Señora Julieta's food can cure things like that too? I scratched my head before going back to my room and changing into my day clothes. I'm going to go check on Pa, if he is at Casita. If not then I'm going to get very worried.

  I opened the door and started up the path to Casita. There weren't too many people around so it must be really early or late, I suppose. I continued my venture before making it to the steps of Casita.

"Hello, house- Casita? That was your name, right?"

  In response I heard the shutters squeaking. I'm not really sure if that is a yes or not.

"Is that a yes? Squeak again if it's a yes."

  The squeaking continued so I put on a smile. I'm glad I remembered it this time. I can't believe I completely forgot the night of the ceremony that this is where Camilo lives. I let out a sigh, not my best moment.

"Uh- Casita, is my Pa here?"

  There was a pause before the house let out some more squeak's, a rush of relief flooded through me.

"That's good, I just got worried when he didn't come home. Alright, well I'll get going then."

  I started to turn around waving goodbye to Casita before the tiles on the path started moving by themselves.


  I heard the doors fly open and I couldn't move or else I'd fall but I am moving? Well- Casita is moving me somewhere. Before I knew it I had come to a halting stop somewhere within the house. I stretched out my arms trying to keep my balance before turning around the room. Why did Casita want me here? I continued listening but couldn't hear anything.

"Casita? Why did you bring me here?"

  Then something fell, I whipped around as fast as I could. I started towards the noise quickly. It had to be Pa- I bet Casita wanted me in here so he didn't get himself hurt.

  Once I had made it over to the area Pa was in, he started running? I sprinted after him, why would Pa run away from me? Is he THAT drunk? I stretched out my hand and tried grabbing his ruana. I had barely touched it as I continued trying to get my father to just stop running when I finally caught his ruana. Once I had gotten it, I stopped for a second trying to catch my breath.

"Why are you running?"
No response.
"Pa, answer me."

  A confused noise? I stopped for a second analyzing who this was. I immediately assumed Pa and they have the same ruana texture as Pa, the same length too. I put my hands where Pa's arms were but they weren't there? When I went to put my hands on his shoulders they weren't there either. I moved my arms downward until I did reach the person's shoulders, they are much shorter than Pa. Their breaths are much more shaky and their footsteps are quieter.

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