Do You Want Something To Eat? - Part 25

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Tw: Mentions of death

  Why is he here?
  He was holding multiple things and not small things like I was. He finally came to a stop in front of us and sat the things down beside my uke. It was all sorts of things from inside Casita.

“Where did you find all of this?” I asked in disbelief.

“I just went farther out around Casita to search. I figured with all the movement that some things got flung out before it all fell down.”

  That doesn’t make any sense but does all the same. I just nodded my head and sat down beside mama. Andrès stood looking through the things he had found laying them out by size.
  Anything smaller than my uke went in a row towards where I was sitting while anything larger went on the ground past my uke. After he finished organizing that, he just stood there.

  Looking over everything closely. I tried studying his facial expression when his eyes went wide and a smile grew onto his face.

“I’m very glad you found your ukulele, Camilo!”

“You just noticed?”

“Yeah,” Andres let out thunderous laughter, “I’ve been told I don’t take in my surroundings very well when I start organizing.”

“Andres has always been like that.” Ma said with a small giggle.

  Andres didn’t say anything more, just stood there laughing. He laughed and laughed until there were tears in his eyes. I don’t think it was that funny and by the look on his face, he didn’t either.
  Anyway a small shadow in the distance became the small group that was hunting for Mirabel with no Mirabel with them.
  Mama quickly sat Antonio down and ran over to the group,

“Are you all ready for lunch? Taking a small break?”

“I’m just taking a quick break.” Tìa Julieta said with a smile. Tìo Agustin sat a hand on her shoulder and nodded signifying he was also just taking a break.

“I think I’ll have some lunch.” Dolores said awkwardly.

“Me too!” Papa said boisterously.

“Where’s Mama?” Ma questioned looking at Tía Julieta.

  Tia quickly turned around looking through the group.

“I guess she wasn’t ready to come back yet.” Tía said with a sigh, “We told her we were coming back, I’m sure she’ll be alright.”

“And if not?” Mama retorted.

“We won’t be long, after this quick break we’ll go back and get here.” Tìa smiled, placing her hand on Ma’s shoulder.
  Mama smiled back and went back over to her spot to start making food for those who were hungry.

“Do any of you want something to eat?”’ Ma redirected her attention to me and Andrès.

“Sure!” we said in unison.
  Then Andres let out some more laughter about the coincidence.


As soon as I came too again I started coughing. It feels harder to breathe than it did before.
  I tried my best to get myself off the ground with very little success. I boosted myself up from the ground with all my strength. I left my hands sitting firmly on the ground in front of me to keep my balance until I was sure I could lay back.
  I brought one hand that was in front of me behind me searching for one of the concrete slabs surrounding me to lay on. I reached out and as soon as my fingers touched it, my body jolted.

It’s so cold!

  I placed my hand back onto the freezing concrete with a bit of hesitation before pulling myself backwards to be propped up.
  The cold sensation flooded throughout my back and when I tilted my head back, the cold helped with the headache. I took a deep breath, attempting to calm down. Even if it is getting harder to breathe, panicking won’t do anything.
I don’t know what to do.
  I lifted my head back up to try and listen when a bolt of pain traveled through me.


  what’s going on? I dug my fingers into the soft earth pulling up the dirt into my hands. Steady your breathing, think, Y/N. I would try to dig if I had the strength and wasn’t scared of this concrete falling on me.

  wait…I think I hear something. Someone? Voices. They’re all muffled.

  I just need help. I don’t want to die. Tears started dripping off my cheeks. I moved my hands swiftly over the ground towards one of the walls when something grabbed my attention.

  Why is the ground wet? Did it rain? I felt over my shirt to find nothing. Did I use the bathroom while I was out? If so, that is so gross.
  I tried to get whatever was on my hand off onto the wall but it slid off my fingers. What? This wasn’t super liquidy, it was kind of thick.
  I put my hand back into the puddle and brought it up to my nose.


This is blood.

  I’m bleeding? Where am I bleeding from? I can rip my shirt or pant legs and bandage it.
  I can stop the bleeding. There’s a whole puddle. Things were just starting to get better. They were? Everything is so foggy.
  I can’t remember fully. Then my back started to burn. It all burns. I’m so tired. Please, help me. Someone help me.


  My throat is so sore, it hurts to talk. It hurts to breathe.

It hurts.

The tears never stopped.

903 words

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