Let's Rebuild - Part 32

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  I woke up to the sound of the hinges squeaking on the door.

"Hm? Pa?"

"Yes? Mi hijo?"

"Where are you going?"

"To uh the store? Yes?"


  I lifted my body up and pushed the blankets off of me, pushing myself to the side of the bed.

"What are you doing? You need to rest, Y/N!"

"I said I wanted to help with rebuilding Casita and YOU are trying to leave without me."

I pushed myself off the bed and stood still for a moment letting my body adjust.

"Fine, you got me. I was leaving to go get some materials to bring up there. Let me grab your things for you." He grumbled.

  He quickly threw things on the bed. I brought my hand over them to feel what outfit I would be wearing for whatever work we would do. I smiled to myself thinking that Pa had made a good selection. I moved my hands over more to feel that he left some boots for me to wear as well. Pa dramatically slammed the door so that I could change.

  After I was ready, I barely pushed the door. I realized quite quickly that Pa was sat back against it so I decided why not have some fun with that? I backed up to the bed and sprinted into the door full force. Pa was thrown forward but he caught himself.

"Y/N! I know you knew I was there! Why did you do that?"

"Payback." I said snarkily before sticking out my tongue.

  Pa scoffed at me before wrapping his arm around me. I thought I might get a hug, something nice.
But no.
I was terribly wrong.
  The wrap didn't stop, he put me in a headlock before taking his knuckles and rubbing them against my head.

"Pa! My hair!"

"PaAaA, my haAaaiIrRr!" He mocked, finally letting go.

I quickly snapped my head at him to which he chuckled.

"Come on, kid. Let's go grab some stuff."

"Alright!" I complied.

  I followed closely behind Pa as he went from place to place collecting things in a wheelbarrow that he got from the first place. He had his route planned very well since he was trying to sneak out.

"Hey, Y/N?"


"You haven't met Bruno, right?"


Pa laughed loudly,
"No way! You got to talk to him before me?"

"Guess I beat you to it?" I shrugged, laughing nervously.

"You can relax, everyone knows he's here now. We didn't get to talk much since I've been taking care of you but we caught up some."

"That's good! Do you think you'll keep talking today?"

"For sure! Bruno has always been good with a spackle."

"Hm. I didn't know that."

Voices called out from the distance, the Madrigal family.

"Andrés is here!" Called out Señora Pepa.

  The closer we got to where Casita once stood, the more footsteps started towards us. I stood right behind Pa, waiting for my instructions on what to do. He handed out thing after thing to each Madrigal, then moved the wheelbarrow off to the side. I placed my hand on the inside to feel what was left, to realize that many more materials say inside of it.
  I turned back towards Pa before deciding to sit down near the wheelbarrow. The wind was letting a gentle breeze blow by and the grass welcomed me.

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