[8] The Gremlins™️

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EP11: Sapotis

I've been working on a unified theory

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I've been working
on a unified theory

if I make it through tonight
everybody's gonna hear me out

touch-tone telephone
lemon demon


If someone had approached you and claimed you'd be running around in your variant's friend's apartment, chasing around little gremlin monsters (who happen to be her sisters), you would have pointed and laughed.

But the universe loves to laugh at you, because here you are, doing exactly that-word from word. You don't get paid enough for this.

Alya dives for the Sapotis drinking from the fish tank, the sight enough to make you hurl, as they leapt away from her clutches with obnoxious laughter.

Marinette groans at the dull pain as she runs into the couch, a failed attempt to stop the other Sapotis from eating the leftover skin from the fruit. "They're multiplying after they eat!" She exclaims in horror, watching as two more Sapotis produce right in front of her eyes.

"Rip offs." You grumbled, annoyingly being reminded of the movie 'Gremlins'. As if they heard your insult, a book was chucked in your direction, easily dodging it as you ducked. "Brats!" You called, the Sapotis unfazed by the name calling as they continued to laugh.


"Quick, the window. Don't let them out!" Alya shouts to no one in particular, pointing to the conventionally open window.

Running to close it, you collided with Marinette who had the same idea, both of you falling to the ground. "Sorry! I'm so sorry!" The bluenette cries, pulling you up with her as you rubbed the sore spot on your shoulder.

Paying her no mind, you turned to Alya as she slipped on her shoes, running to the door at an alarming rate. "Where are you going?!" You asked in disbelief. "To find them! We can't let them take over Paris."


You groaned out with frustration, Alya already out the door and gone before you could finish your sentence. Turning to Marinette, she stood in place as she frantically searched her brain for an excuse. A lightbulb goes off. "I'm going to go look for Ladybug and Chat Noir before Alya hurts herself." She nods to herself, before adding "Stay here in case she comes back!"

You felt your brow twitch as she follows in Alya's footsteps, grabbing her purse as she ran out the door. Unbelievable.

Three minutes to yourself, you couldn't help but to feel the slightest bit of worry for them. With or without the explicable bond, you cared about their safety. So sitting here, and doing nothing, made you feel selfish-especially when you have the capability to do something about it.

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