[18] Dance, Or Die!

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S2EP16: Frightningale

evacuate the dance floor I'm infected by the sound

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evacuate the dance floor
I'm infected by the sound

stop this beat is killing me
hey mr dj, let the music take me underground

evacuate the dance floor


"Thank you for coming, all of you! This is like a dream come true! Together we'll dance and sing; it's going to be awesome and amazing!" Clara announces, keeping her rhythm not only in her rhymes, but her movement as well.

"We're going to be in Clara Nightingale's music video." Alya anticipates, unable to tear her eyes from the artist standing before her on stage. "This is humongous!"

"I can't believe this is happening!" Marinette exclaims, kind of alarming you with the almost crazed look in her eyes. She latches onto you, tighter than any parasite could as she asks "Can you believe this is happening?!"

"Nope," you smiled anxiously, "neither can I." Honestly, you weren't so sure why you even agreed to audition in the first place. You didn't like cameras, nor was she your favorite artist. Maybe it was because how excited they were and you wanted to be the supportive best friend?

You'd never know the real answer until it hits you square in the face. Unless. . . you subconsciously knew the answer already?

"Come on, where's your excitement?! I know it's in there somewhere." Alya interrogates, shaking you up in hopes to get it started again.

"Alya!" You laughed, swatting at her antics as you broke free. "As much as it's exciting," you expressed nonchalantly, "it's not like we're playing Ladybug herself. We're extras!" You finish with a shrug.

The silence that fell amongst your group immediately had you sighing, turning to peek at their not-so-convinced faces had you subtracting your previous statement. "Okay. Okay. It's. . . pretty awesome." You exclaimed, a sudden burst of energy resonating from nowhere as you jumped along with the girls in pure excitement.

"And now, meet our rising star, Adrien Agreste as Chat Noir!"

The moment stills as Adrien comes into view of every watchful eye, a sheepish display as he wears the catsuit his father had replicated. It looked real-too real. Your jumping comes to a halt. "It's Adrien!" Marinette says, eyes blown wide open, mouth agape as she mindlessly waves back to him.

Alya catches both of yours and Marinette's demeanor, her mischievous smile going unnoticed as both of your gazes was stuck on Clara's surprise guest. "What's the matter? Chat got your tongue?"

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