[15] Just Rock N' Roll With It

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EP13: Captain Hardrock

j'en ai jamais assez je vois toujours après

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j'en ai jamais assez
je vois toujours après

des fois je me demande
comment je peux m'y prendre

radio song


The Liberty was as bustling as it could ever get, every body aboard getting ready for the highly anticipated Music Festival—whilst another anticipated for the arrival of a special blond. And with this anticipation, was anxiety, and what better could she be doing if not working to keeping her mind busy as a distraction?

Heavy eyes watched the busy bee at work, picking up a microphone to place it in a box amongst other things. "Oops! Sorry, Mylène. My bad!" Marinette quickly apologies, shifting her weight to stop herself from running into said girl. "I think this is yours, Rose." She hands the microphone over.

The cheery blonde gleams at the very object she was searching for, thanking the bluenette with a smile. "Do you realize? This is our very first concert! It's going to be awesome!" Almost everyone cringed as the microphone picked up on her excitement, multiplying it by tenfolds. All except one.

Despite all the noise that was going on, you had managed to stay focused on the gentle waves rocking the boat, lulling you further and further into a deep slumber. That was until you felt the ladder you were suppose to keep stabilized, wobble.


Nino's panicked exclamation knocks you straight out of your sleep spell, quick to reapply your weight onto the the ladder to keep it from tipping over any further. "Nino! Are you okay? I'm sorry, it won't happen again!" You sputter, looking up to him apologetically.

"No sweat, dudette! I'm cool." His grin twitches, releasing his iron grip to display a shaky thumbs up. You kept your mouth shut from stating otherwise, looking to Alya guiltily. She had only but concern as you furiously rubbed away at the sleep in your eyes.

"Are you okay? How many hours of sleep did you get last night?" Alya asks, brow raised in suspicion. "And don't try to lie to me."

You mumbled under your breath, your gaze casting to the side as you answered her grumpily. "Barely." When the clock hit an acceptable time, you had called up Marinette about some sewing lessons, claiming you had a few article of clothing you couldn't bare to part with that needed some stitching.

She replied almost immediately, excited you took up some type of interest in her hobby. Yet, despite her wonderful thought out lessons for a beginner, such as yourself, you spent the rest of that day becoming a pincushion as you attempted to patch up your suit. You ended up getting the job done, but at the cost of your sleep schedule that really didn't exist to begin with, anyways.

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