[12] This Action Will Have Consequences

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i believe you've been pushing too hardfor the wrong things

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i believe you've been pushing too hard
for the wrong things

in my opinion, you and your visions
are so inequivalent

good grief


The loud chatter of your fellow school attendees did nothing to wake you up further than you already were (which really wasn't much to be frank), mind too tired to understand what the hype was all about as you lazily climbed the steps to the school. Your eyes watered as you let out a long yawn, grumpily thinking about how your night went.

You spent the last of your weekend searching the internet, books-anything really-about interdimensional travel, but despite your deep search of the web, you found nothing that could help you return home. Even with Dawn's help you came out empty handed. "What a waste." You mumbled, stuffing your things carelessly into your locker, trying your best not to think about the sleep you sacrificed for nothing.

Closing your locker shut, you finally caught a snippet of the many conversations happening around you, all about the same thing. "Can you believe it? A new hero!" They exclaimed, making you pause in your step. You watched as their eyes trained on their phones, making you twitch. Oh boy.

"This is ground breaking news, Mari! And I'm going to be the first on the scoop as soon as I get more intel from Adrien." Alya exclaims, the two of them walking into the locker room. It was an odd sight, to say the least.

Alya was her usual self, talking about her new foundings, but that was the least of your concerns when Marinette stood there as if she was ready to implode-and that made you nervous.

"What's going on?" You approached the two against your better judgment, deciding it would be better to hear it now than to learn about it later. It almost made you flinch how quick Alya was to jump onto your curiosity. "It's about Saturday's akuma, which reminds me that I need to interview you." She squints at you, a knowing smirk on her face.

You nervously chuckle, glancing at Marinette who was stuck in her own head to notice she was talking about your 'day out' with Adrien.

With a shake of her head, she pulls out her phone, showing you a roaring picture of Adrien's akumatized bodyguard (who she calls Gorizilla-clever name). "I've been asking around about Hawk Moth's latest akumatization, since I wasn't there to record, but I didn't get much other than that it was Adrien's bodyguard."

She swipes to the left, a normal picture of the gorilla-built like man; not much of a difference other than the size and color of skin. "But I did get this sent to me last night on the blog!" Alay shrieks, shoving her phone in your face.

Your palms become clammy at the show of a video clip of that day of Saturday, where you stupidly decided to save Adrien dressed in your civilian form, nothing to hide your identity other than your fitful invisibility. You didn't need to watch the video to know what happened, your own memory serving as a reminder.

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