[11] Eye For An Eye

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I'm tired of this feeling,i feel so alone

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I'm tired of this feeling,
i feel so alone

i need you right now, baby
won't you come home?

come home


It was an odd sight seeing the midtown quartet, more like trio now, so silent and motionless. There was always something going on between the friend group, rather it be mischief or just a conversation-they were always rowdy. But at this moment, there was nothing they could do but to let it sink in that their best friend was missing.

Michelle's foot bounces with impatience, waiting for any of the two to catch her up to whatever the hell was going on, but all they did was just sit there like idiots. With a loud huff, she stands up from the recliner, staring the two boys down. "Are either of you going to explain what the hell is going on? What do you mean she's gone?" She demands for answers.

Ned spares his best friend a glance, wondering if he was in any shape to explain it short and clean. Peter just sat there, glaring a whole into the wall as he tried to put his thoughts together, trying to make sense of what was happening himself. "Pete?" The boy calls gently.

"I don't know." He shrugs, rubbing at his face in attempt to relax, to distract him from crying his frustration out in front of them- that'd be too embarrassing.

"She left after the first earthquake hit, apparently it was something dangerous enough to draw her out." Ned speaks up, hoping to shed some type of light on Michelle's confusion. "I tracked her suit to somewhere underground the substation, but after that last earthquake, she disappeared."

Michelle's brows furrow in thought, refusing to believe Y/n could just disappear out of thin air. Maybe her suit was damaged-offline-or somewhere deep enough there's no signal. There were too many variables to think of, none they could get absolute answers to unless they went to look for themselves.

But that would be dumb of them.

"We need to find her."

So dumb, that even Peter thought about it, and yet, Michelle couldn't oppose it. Not when her best friend is out there somewhere, most likely hurt. "Okay. I'm in."

Ned's mouth drops open, shocked to see how quick she was to jump on. "Wait, hold on! We aren't exactly mutated ourselves. We can't just waltz down there and face-off whatever she ran into." He panics, watching as Peter moves around the apartment, grabbing whatever he deemed useful.

Peter pauses, turning to him with a calculated look. "You could be the 'guy in the chair' again. Are you really going to skip out on this opportunity?" He asks, luring him into a trap.

Any reluctance Ned has dissipated within seconds, grabbing his stray backpack off the ground. "I'm in. But not just because I want to be the 'guy in the chair', but because I'm equally as worried about Y/n." Ned nods.

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