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He's been gone for over 3 months. I've never missed a human being so much in my entire life. We still get to like text and facetime but it's not the same. Madison has been horrible to me and calling me and calling me and telling me to kill myself. Life's gotten hard and I just have to get through the school day and get to the weekend. But that's the issue, I'm getting through the week. I'm not living my life. Every week and its the same thing, 'I just have to get through this week.' That's all that went through my head history. Now it's time for stupid science. I walked with Chloe.

"Hey girly!" she said to me," whats wrong?"

"Nothing." I said as usual.

"Grace what the hell is going on with you? You've been ignoring my phone calls and texts and its like you don't care about me!"

"I know Chloe! I feel like everyone would be better off without! I might as well just kill myself!"

I ran away from her as fast as possible.


*Chloe's POV*

I stood there. I didn't know what to say. I only knew one thing. I needed to call Cole.



"It's Chloe."

"Well no duh. What's up?"

"It's Grace."

"What about her?"

"Things have gotten pretty bad since you've left. Madison wont leave her alone and her parents keep fighting. I found out she has depression. And um."

"And um what!?"

"She wants to kill herself Cole." I've never felt so horrible in my life. It too a minute for me to process what I just said. 'She wants to kill herself.'

"I'm flying down there."


"No Chloe. I'm coming down there. Today."


That night. *Grace's POV*

I didn't want to live anymore. I just wanted to die. I couldn't stand life anymore. My parents were fighting. They wouldn't even notice. I stetted the water in my bathtub. I didn't even bother taking off my clothes. The bathtub filled up. I got in and I held the razor in my hand. I was about to cut my skin when i heard the front door burst open.

"GRACE! GRACE! WHERE ARE YOU?" I recognized the voice it was Cole. I was terrified he would see me lying in the bathtub knowing what I wanted to and that he would hate me. I heard the door open and I saw his face.

"Grace." he said. he was crying. He grabbed a towel and he picked me up and sat on the floor and he wrapped his arms around me and rocked me.

"It's okay. I'm now. I'm never gonna leave you. I'm gonna move in with Jack and his family so I can always be here for you. I love you baby." He whispered ina calming, relaxing voice. I started to cry. He kissed my forehead.


So I'm gonna rant a little bit guys. Here's the thing it is NEVER okay to make someone feel bad about themselves on purpose. It is never okay to judge them. NEVER. Yes I know we all do it but I mean come on guys. Lets admit it, if the things you say/think were permanently written on your skin, you'd be more careful about you say, wouldn't you? You'd probably regret a lot of things you've said int he past. Remember everyone is going through Battle you have no idea about. Your best friend is probably going through something and that she/he would never tell you. There are people with depression/anxiety/OCD that suffer everyday. That one thing you said to them that to you may be nothing, maybe the reason they kill themselves. Because that little thing you said was the 100th time they heard it that day. So you're comment to make everyone laugh is also the comment that made someone kill themselves. Why shouldn't you say something to make everyone laugh/ instead of something that made that one person no longer be able to laugh. I almost lost a good friend of mine to suicide. She's so important to me and is always there for me. I'm grateful to have her in my life. She told she things like, 'I just want to die' 'Why does everyone hate me' 'I'm DONE' I didn't think anything when I heard them. I just thought its just stupid high school drama (yes I'm friends with a high schooler) then she started sending me pictures. Of pills. said '1 down. How many more do you think it Will take for this to all be over.' I was int he car with my dad. I started crying immediately. It was on Snapchat. Her mascara was running and her eyes were bright red. I told my dad and she called her dad. At first I was scared she would be mad at me but then i realized 'who cares if shes mad me' I knew i did the right thing and id rather never talk to her again because she was mad at me then to never talk to her because her suicide was successful. She wasn't mad at me and was actually really grateful I did that for her. She got diagnosed with depression and is getting help. Now every time I see her smile it makes me smile because that night i thought id never see her beautiful smile ever again. If you ever suspect your friend may be considering suicide tell an adult immediately. Who cares if they re mad at you? Just remember would you rather be talking to your friend but shes not responding because shes mad or be talking about your friend at her funeral and shes not responding because shes dead? And it may all work out. She may forgive you and love you even more because you showed how much you care. But remember everyone is fighting their own battles so BE KIND!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2016 ⏰

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