More than Friends

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BEEP BEEP BEEP! Ugh, another boring day of school. I go downstairs and put my toast in the toaster, my usual breakfast, and sit on the couch. I check out my Instagram. Of course, the first thing I see is another selfie of Cole and Madison. The comment section obviously saying s'cute and schools cutest couple. When I go back to check on my toast, it's burnt.

"Awesome!" I say loudly.

I'm home alone, as usual, because my mom's at work and my dad's traveling. I go upstairs and put on a pair of jean shorts,a t-shirt and my tennis shoes and run outside to catch the bus. The bus ride is normal. Kendal, Maddie, and Sarah all shouting at the top of their lungs and John and Alexa whispering(usually about me). I've learned to get used to them talking about me behind my back. Finally the last bus stop comes so I can sit with Rhi.

"Hey! What's up?" She says as soon as she got the bus.

There was so much I wanted to tell her. Like how I'm so nervous that my parents might get a divorce. Or that I feel to much pressure to do good in school because of my brother and sisters. But instead I say I'm good and we start talking about random things. As soon as we pulled into the parking lot at Southwest middle school Leila texted me asking if I was there yet. I texted her yeah and we met her inside.

"Do u guys wanna grab Wilson and Kyle and go to the library?" Rhi said.

We all said sure and then all 5 of us went to the library.

Once we got there Harmony and Cassie were already in there.

"Hi Harmony! Hi Cassie!" I said.

Cassie smiled back at me and Harmony didn't even acknowledge me. Harmony has always had some kind of grudge on me. No matter what I say she takes offense to it.

We all sit over in an area where there r 2 couches and 4 chairs. They start talking their usual things while I just sit and listen. Then we're dismissed to our advisory. On the way to my advisory Cole and John jog to catch up with me. John has brown hair that is messy,in a good way, and blue eyes. Cole has hair that's a darker brown than John's. He has his hair spiked up a little bit in the front and has brown eyes. They're both a few inches shorter than me.

"Hey Grace!" They say almost in unison.

"Hey guys." I say back not as enthusiastically.

"Is something wrong?" John asks looking concerned.

I wanted to say that I was tired of being stupid and dumb and not understanding things in all my classes but instead I said,"I'm fine I'm just really tired." They didn't seem to believe me but they didn't ask anymore questions. Our advisories are in the same hall. I have Mr. Riberio, John has Mr.Davis and Cole has Mr. Houchins.

My advisory is so boring and socially awkward. Mr. Riberio is impossible to understand so I usually daydream. Most of my daydreams is me being a professional singer one day. Everyone wanting to talk to me. Everyone accepting me. Finally the bell rings showing that advisory is over and as soon as I walk out of the room Madison ran into me knocking all my stuff down.

"Get out of my way awkward giant!" She said in her usual man like voice.

Then she stepped on my hand as she jogged over to see her boyfriend, Cole She always calls me a giant. Probably because I'm 5 foot 6 and she's only 5 foot. John notices that all my stuff is on the ground and walks over to help me pick it up.

"What happened?" he said.

I wanted to tell him how Madison knocked me down and stepped on my hand.

But instead I told him," I tripped over someone's foot again."

"That's the third time this week. you should pay more attention." he said.

"Yeah. Thanks." I said as he handed me my stuff. We walked to class together. He has ELA and I have World Geography. And I know what your thinking that I have a crush on John but I do not. I have a crush on Cole. So get that straight! When it's finally time for lunch I sit with Rhi, Leila, Riley, Kyle, Wilson, Melody, and Cassie. They talk their usual things.

"What do we do in P.E.?"

"Who wants to go to the bathroom with me?"

"My boobs can tell the weather."

"Who wants my pizza?"

"Does anyone have extra food?"

"Who wants to go to the snack bar?"

I listen and eat my red velvet cake yogurt. Then, Madison comes by and pulls my hair.

"Why the hell are you sitting with them Kyle? Especially the ugly, green giant. I mean seriously no wonder she wants to sit with you she's so desperate for a boyfriend she's hoping if she sits with you, you'll somehow fall in love with her or something." Madison said. Her posse of girls behind her giggle.

"Shut up Madison!" Kyle snapped back. "Nobody wants u here so just leave!"

"Fine whatever." she says rolling her eyes. " Oh and Grace here are some beans so you can go back home to the clouds and you're goose. I'm sure it misses you."

"At least the goose is prettier than you!" I say back.

She turns around and walks away. As usual walks with her shoulders back so her boobs look bigger and her butt popped out so she can show it off. She walks over to Cole and kisses him on the cheek then sits down next to him, turning her head back to see my reaction. I flip her off and he looks back at her table.

"What a bish" Leila says disgusted.

"Thanks for standing up for me Kyle." I say looking at him.

"No problem. I know everything she said was a lie." He said kindly.

Then we had to go to our next class. Mine was with John, Cole and sadly, Madison.

"Oh look what the cat dragged in!" Madison said smirking as I walked into the gym.

"Did u grow a couple inches when you were eating lunch? Or have you always been that tall?" Clarissa said with a huge grin on her face.

Madison opened her mouth to say something else then, Cole and John walked in and she ran over to see them.

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