Taking Sides

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"Which Madison? Which Clarissa?" Nurse Kelly asked.

"Madison Harrison and Clarissa Wilson." I say still crying.

"That's so unlike them. How long has this been going on?" she asked perplexed.

"Almost 4 months." I asked tearful.

She walked to her phone.

"Hi Mary. This is Kelly. I found out that a student here was beat up by two other students."


"It's Grace Ellis."


"I'll walk her over right now."

She hung up.

"Come on. We're going over to Mrs.Mikes."

I didn't want to go to Mrs. Mikes because she never helps with anything. She usually makes it worse.

We walked into Mrs. Mikes room.

"Hello miss Ellis." she said kindly, "Take a seat."

She points to a chair in front of her. Her room is dark for a room that's supposed to be reassuring. It has mahogany walls and a black door.

"Nurse Kelly I think I can handle this. You can go back to the nurses office." Mrs. Miles said kindly.

"No offense but I'd prefer to stay here." Nurse Kelly said sternly.

"Why am I even here!? I got beat up, I should be in the principals office talking to him! At least he would do something and not accept just an apology!" I said staring into Mrs. Mikes eyes.

"Grace, I know how you feel. Just explain what happened." She said.

"I was walking to the library during connections and Madison threw me against a wall. Then her and Clarissa started kicking me."

"Are you sure that's all? You didn't look at them funny or say something mean?"

"What do you mean? I didn't do anything all they did was attack me for no reason."

Then Madison and Clarissa walked in.

"Girls will you please say your side of the story?" Mrs. Mikes said looking at them.

"Me and Clarissa were talking to our friends when she showed up. She grabbed me by the collar and slapped me across the face. I was scared so I threw her off me. When she tried to get back on me, me and Clarissa started kicking her. It was self defense." Madison said with tears in her eyes.

"Grace. Why would you attack them like that?" mrs. Mikes said sounding disappointed.

"What do you mean how could I do that!? I didn't do anything! they made that story up! I'm the one with bruises and scrapes. If it were true that I hit her she would have had a mark on her face which she doesn't!!!" I shouted.

"Grace don't you think theirs makes more sense. Yours is a little outrageous."

"Hold up!" Nurse Kelly shouted in Mrs. Mikes face, " Grace has never been in here for hurting someone. Madison and Clarissa have. You're gonna believe people who have a reputation for lying over a person who had never lied to you?! What the hell Mary?!"

Nurse Kelly grabbed my arm and pulled me out out of there.

"That shit going on in there is fucking ridiculous. I'm gonna make sure your believed by everyone in the whole school. Where there any witnesses?"

"Yeah. One person I know for sure."



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