I'm a Big Girl.

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"Grace! Grace!" John called as he ran down the halls towards me.

"John! Go away!" I yelled to him.

"Grace please. I know you like me and I like you back so why do you keep denying it?!"

"I don't like you John and I don't understand why you can't get that through your thick skull. Also, I could never do that to Leila!"

"Leila betrayed you. She went to your enemies. I'm trying to protect you from her!"

"I'm a big girl John! I can handle the world! I don't need you!" I stormed away,never looking back.


Hey guys!!!! So I've never introduced myself or anything and that's why this is not really even a chapter. Anyway for those who don't know me, HI I'm Grace! And for those of you who do know me you should probably just stop reading now. Anyway much of this story is true. Betrayal by friends, insecurities, and of course the middle school drama. ALLLLLLLLL every single name has been changed. So if you're reading this and you're like "OMG she's writing about me!" Well I'm not. Anyways follow me on Instagram grace_elisabeth12. I'm also on twitter Gracee1748. I love you and stay perfect!!!!

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