Chapter 7: Journey

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Chapter 7: Journey

Tolken's POV

Once we all signed the letter, we headed out of the house. Shara and Rira were trying to persuade us, to be honest, it wasn't like them at all. Rira was being all sexy, trying to get me to stay, and Shara was being all tough to Josh. It was as if they had swapped personalities. 

"Josh, lets go." I said sternly. We needed to make a move, or else the pack would catch up to us. Josh gave a nod and Eliza followed. We decided that we would walk through the forest and up to the border of the Blue Moon Pack territory, and then turn wolf and run for the rest, until we came up to a camp site or something. 

We were walking in total silence, until Josh spoke up.

"Eliza, if you don't want to do this, we don't have to." he asked. I kept my head down and my hands in my pockets, I didn't want any input into that conversation.

"It's okay. I want to leave. I'm not happy here, so why stay right?" she replied. I agreed to that, but not out loud. Josh gave a slight nod and then we carried on with the silent stroll until we came to the boundary. 

"Ready guys?" Eliza asked. I nodded and Josh did too. Then we ran behind a tree each as we stripped down. I shifted into my beige wolf and headed onto the field area to wait for the others. I shoved my clothes into my bag using my snout and picked it up in my jaws. The first to join me was Josh. He was a bit bigger than me, but only by an inch or two. His mousy brown head nodded at me and I nodded back. Then Eliza strolled out. The wind blew through her silky black and red fur. I had to admit, she was gorgeous, but I couldn't have said anything. Rira would have killed me. 

Shall we get a move on? Josh asked through mind link.

Yep. Eliza and I said in unison. Just as we stepped over the boundary, a large dark brown wolf was running towards us from behind. Eliza's father was coming.

What do we do Eliza?! I screamed at her through mind link. Eliza closed her red eyes and thought, but her father was gaining on us. HURRY! I was shouting then when suddenly both of her eyes were glowing red, you couldn't see any white in her eyes, just a glowing red. She then growled at me and Josh, trying to tell us a plan. When she had finished, we all nodded, just as her father came up behind us.

Stop right there. he said...

SH!T Josh said to me and Eliza.

No way you idiot. I said back. I looked over to Eliza at that point, to see her eyes glowing like crazy, WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?! I thought.

[A/N Hey guys! Sorry for the slow updates, had like no access to the computer. I hope you're all enjoying everyone! So, if you guessed that Eliza's dad was going to show up, well done! But if you didn't ha-ha, surprised? Well I'm sorry if this chap is short and not really descriptive, but it was rushed. Now I have one queston: What do you think Eliza's mate is going to be like? I mean fur wise and personality and rogue or pack member? Also WHAT IS UP WITH ELIZA! I mean those red eyes! Just like the front cover. Now I will explain that in Chapter 8: The Plan, hope you are enjoying! Dee Dee xxx]

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