Chapter 11: Re-Match

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Chapter 11: Re-Match

Eliza's POV

I had never though of harming someone. Not intentionally anyways, but when I saw him stood there, my heart began to hurt. I was worried he was going to be my mate at first, but as she stepped closer to me, I got scared, not happy. Then I remembered who he was. I looked him up and down and saw a slash mark engraved into the skin on his snout. There was no fur covering it, so it was never going to grow back.

Josh! Tolken! I'm sorry, but I need your help now! I shouted to the guys in my mind link. The rogue wolf took a step closer to me, a carnivorous look in his eyes.

"Don't hurt me." I growled in his face, I didn't actually want to say that, but it just sort of... slipped out. 

"You mean, like you didn't hurt me? When I ran away from you, hunting was extremely hard, 'specially since I had huge wounds everywhere thanks to you and that big guy." he scoffed and snarled. He was getting too close for comfort now, and it was as if he was going to strike.

JOSH! TOLKEN! HELP! I screamed.

W-what's up Eliza? Tolken finally replied, I sighed a great sigh, to be honest, if I needed anyone's help, it would be Tolken's. 

I-it's a rogue! Behind the forest! Help! I started to stare the wolf down. I didn't have a clue where this new found confidence was coming from, I never really liked rogues, and would only fight if needed, but the thing was, I didn't have any proper reason of fighting this one. I gave a sudden gulp which made him chuckle.

"Is the little Alpha's daughter a rogue now?" he asked laughing uncontrollably. I snorted at him, warning him to back off, but he just acted scared. My wolf was trying to take control, she wanted to kill him, and then it came out...

"At least I I have a real pack to go back to if I needed it!" then he snapped. He pounced onto me and held me down, he bit in my neck, placing one paw next to my jaws and one on my chest. I yelped in pain and growled. I dug my teeth into his leg, making him release his grip and stumble backwards.  He stared at his paw in shock and then glared at me "You're gonna die bi--" but he was cut off as a large beige wolf pushed him to the ground and began ripping fur out. I watched Tolken beat this stupid rogue up, but my vision was going out of wack. Suddenly, everything went white, and all I remember was letting out a loud howl.


I opened my eyes to find myself in the field still. I had remained in my wolf form and I was surrounded by leaves. I felt a shooting pain in my left hind leg as I began to stand up. All I could see was green grass, and all I could smell was blood... and not just mine. Once I was stable, I looked up to see Tolken burying something in the ground, with blood splatters on his hands and skin. 

"Eliza..." he said coming over. I had turned my head away, but I turned back to him and smiled a wolfy smile. "Do you remember what happened Eliza?" I thought for a minute and shook my head . He sighed quite loudly as he lifted my backpack. "Let's head back to the car. Josh has everything ready to leave." I nodded as I followed him through the forest. 

What did he mean, do I remember? I thought to myself.

Tolken's POV (before the fight)

I couldn't believe it. I really couldn't! I was sitting in a wet and freezing tent, whilst Josh uselessly howled at Eliza, who had run off into the forest after she boobytrapped our bed.

"I'm going to fucking get her back for this." Josh grunted.

"Well you did prank her on her birthday..." I commented whilst changing into some warm clothes. Josh glared at me as he headed over to the car to change.

Josh! Tolken! I'm sorry, but I need your help now! I heard Eliza shout. I started to hurry to the forest when a hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. 

"Don't. She is obviously mucking around. If she calls again, I guess you can go, but I'm not. Until then, let's just prepare the car." I nodded at his words and shook my wrist free of his grip. I lifted the tent and disassembled it. It was hard work, so I took my shirt off to prevent sweat stains, but some she-wolves passed by exactly then and squealed at me excitedly.

"Who let the pigs outta the barn?" [A/N I made that up<< :D] I asked Josh when they left. He pissed himself laughing as I put my top back on once I was finished.

JOSH! TOLKEN! HELP! Eliza screamed. I looked at Josh, and he nodded at the forest. I headed that way and yelled back,

I-it's a rogue! Behind the forest! Help! this was all in the mind link, so I could hear her clearly. I shifted and ran to her side and saw Eliza bite the wolf off of her. 

"You're gonna die bi--" he went to say. but I cut him off by charging at him and ripping his fur out. I was actually enjoying taking my anger out on this wolf. Suddenly Eliza howled an ear burning howl and I turned to see it. Her eyes... were glowing again!

What the FUCK is going on?!

[A/N Okay! So Eliza is fucking murderous! Btw I do excuse the language, that's why this is a PG13. Now, Eliza is soon to meet her mate, so all of you urging to see, or should I say read what he looks like, you'll have to wait. And I know I said that some of the chapters would be about other people, well that will be after Chapter 12: Murder. I hope you're all enjoying so far! And tell me what name you would guess Eliza's mate has. Thanks! Dee Dee xxx]

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