Chapter 12: The Alpha

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Chapter 12: The Alpha

Eliza's POV

After Tolken decided he was going to drive us to our next stop, I realised that I was still in the car. I glanced at the dashboard and saw that it was only 1:00pm, which meant we had been driving for only half an hour.

"Josh, isn't this..." Tolken began to say, but before he could finish the sentence, he had jerked the car to the side and stopped.

"Yes it is. Eliza, get out of the car with us slowly, but stand in the middle of us." Josh instructed. I gave him a nod as we all got out of the car and faced two men coming towards us. Josh's body had tensed up, and I could tell that this was the Alpha of a nearby pack.

"You're trespassing." said the average tall one. He had brown hair and it was spiked up on end with gel. He had a white tee on and grey shorts with matching flip flops. They had obviously rushed over here.

"We know. We are just passing through." Tolken said taking a step towards them.

"I don't care. Get off my land." the taller one piped up. He had slick black hair with a side fringe. He was breathtaking. He didn't have a top on, so his tanned body was on full display and so was his six pack. He had large muscles and wore black shorts and black flipflops.

"Why can't you let us pass?" I asked, taking a step to Tolken's side. I had been hiding behind him this whole time, but I felt like I wanted to be included in the conversation. The one I thought was the Beta began blabbering on about how rogues are often causing trouble in the city, so I just blocked him out. The other guy, however, was staring at me quite strangely, and was making me a little uncomfortable. Josh could tell I was, and took my hand in his, whilst Tolken backed up our case on why we should be allowed to pass through.

"Lets give them a chance Liam." The weird guy who enjoyed staring said.

"But Alpha--"

"No buts." He said, he turned to us and said "You can stay here for a while until you get yourselves sorted." Josh's eyes went wide and Tolken gave him a nod. We got back in the car and followed the people.


We arrived at the Alpha's house and got our bags out of the car.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Josh asked Tolken. All he did was nod to Josh's question. I frowned at them both and puffed my cheeks, why was I not getting an input? Tolken just laughed at me as he took my hand and walked us in.

The Alpha took us on a tour of the house. There was a games room, his office, his room, his beta's room, a large kitchen diner and we all has en suite bathrooms. The only things that annoyed me was that I had a separate room to Josh and Tolken, which was weird, because they had three singles in there anyway.

"Why can't I share with my friends?" I asked. The Alpha looked at me and sighed,

"An unclaimed she-wolf shouldn't share a room with one unclaimed male, let alone two. Therefore, you are to have a room alone." He walked away from me and I just stood there flabbergasted. Josh and Tolken just laughed and went to their room to unpack. I turned around and entered mine. I dropped my bag and gasped. I had a king sized bed, fit for royalty. Plus I had my own walk-in-wardrobe! I immediately unpacked my rucksack and used only three coathangers. I headed to my shower for a freshen up before heading downstairs.

I ended up finding Josh and Tolken versing each other on Halo 4 in their room on the Xbox. I rolled my eyes and headed to the kitchen. There I found The Alpha's Beta eating a sandwich that he was obviously not enjoying. I rushed in and cooked a cheese, bacon and garlic pasta bake and shoved a bowl in front of him. He was shocked at first, but suddeny began tucking in. He moaned in pleasure as he ate more of it.

"Thank you... erm..." he began to say after finishing.

"Eliza." I said taking his bowl to wash up.

"I'm Liam." he said shaking my hand. I nodded and put all the washing up away, just as the Alpha entered.

"Liam, can you get Eric and start patrolling the Eastern Border?" he asked, I was listening deeply in their conversation whilst chewing on a stick of gum.

"Of course Alpha." Liam replied, running out of the door. I watched him leave and then went to sit at the island. [A/N an island is like a kitchen counter in the middle of the kitchen :3] The Alpha joined me and started up conversation.

"I hear your name is Eliza?" he asked. I nodded at him, to be totally honest, I didn't understand how he knew at first, but then guessed he was eavesdropping. "I'm Matthew, but call me Matt." he said. I nodded again and he began asking me why I was so quiet. I felt anger build up inside me so I began walking away, but he followed me. I spun around and shouted,

"WHY ARE YOU EVEN FUCKING HELPING US ANYWAY?!" I couldn't help it, I had always had anger issues, sometimes things just came out. Suddenly he had threw himself at me and next thing I knew, I was up against the wall with one of his hands right next to my head.m

Matt's POV

"WHY ARE YOU EVEN FUCKING HELPING US ANYWAY?!" she shouted, I could tell she was angry, but also shocked at what she said. Then I threw myself at her and pressed my body on hers against the wall. I inhaled deeply and got a luscious scent of peppermint, my heart began racing and my wolf was howling at me. I looked down at her and whispered,

"Because everyone deserves at least one chance." Then I brought my arm down and walked away, leaving her there, mouth open. As I reached my bedroom, I locked my door and my wolf said,


Rira's POV

"Alpha, word on the streets is Alpha Jackson from the Black Blood Pack has picked up three rogues." I told my Alpha. We were certain it was them.

"I'll send a search party right away. Thank you Rira, you have been a great help." he replied. I bowed my head and walked out, a smirk slapped on my face.

[A/N HEY GUYS!!!! I'm sorry for not posting, I have been busy these past few days and I was also ill, but now look: ELIZA'S MATE?!?!?!? Why hasn't she noticed? And what is Rira planning with Alpha Locket (Eliza's Dad)??? Look out for more!!!]

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