Chapter 16: Sky, and her problem

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Chapter 16: Sky, and her problem

Eliza's POV

I sat in the car and stared out of the window. We had been driving for FOUR HOURS STRAIGHT.

"I'm bored!" I complained. Josh clicked his fingers and Tolken stuck duct tape on my mouth. "Mmm! Hmph......... Mhmmmmmm!" I kept on mumbling until I realised, I could have just ripped it off...

"Keep quiet, we're almost there." Tolken said. I felt a grin suddenly hit my face.

"Where?! Joshie where are we going?!" I begged, tugging his sleeve. I daydreamed about a theme park, or even a beach! No, better, a real dragon!

"Here." Josh said as he pulled into... A... Campsite...

"Another one?! Really, even after last time?!" I complained... Again.


Tolken and Josh were busy sunbathing, whilst I was reading a book called Inkheart. Suddenly, I heard something in the bushes surrounding the forest's edge. I turned my head slightly to see a small girl wandering in the shrubs. She seemed... Lost. Either that or she lost something. I was curious, and carried on watching her until our eyes locked on each other. She froze on the spot and didn't move. Not one bit... I jumped off of the grass and went over to her, slowing down as I got closer.

"Hi there." I said softly. Nothing like Alex from Madagascar. I watched as she swallowed her fear and nodded at me. "I'm Eliza. What's your name?" I bent down, well more like crouched, so we were eye level. Her eyes were brown, with grey specks. Very pretty. The girl stayed quiet, and pointed upwards. I followed the direction she was pointing in and saw what she meant. Trees... No wait... The sky...

I looked down and smiled at her.

"Your name is Sky?" she nodded "You don't-you don't talk?" she shook her head "Have you lost something?" she shook "Someone?" she nodded "Would you like help to find them?" I stood up and held my hand out.

At first, Sky hesitated. She went to take my hand, then retracted it. Until finally she grasped it with her own. She smiled at me, and I smiled back, and we hurried over to the boys.

"OI! GET YOUR LAZY CARCASSES OVER HERE NOW!" I shouted. Sky flinched at my tone so I squeezed her hand for comfort. However when the boys ran over, she slipped behind me and out of sight.

"What, now?" Tolken asked. I pulled a face at him and stepped aside to reveal Sky. As she saw them and they saw her, her grip on my hand tightened.

"Guys, this is Sky." I said. They did tiny waves to her and she got scared, so she slid behind me again. "She needs help to track someone down, so I was thinking we could help her. She's alone without this other person." Tolken smiled at me and agreed. He approached Sky who was cautious at first, but warmed to his outgoing personality.

"Eliza!" Josh hissed. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me over.

"What?" I said trying to pull away. His grip tightened and he snapped at me,

"Eliza when she finds out what we are, she will get scared and run off. Most likely die. If she has lost someone, its not our problem." I ripped my hand out of his grasp and rubbed the pain.

"She needs help. What would you do if you lost me?! Hmm?" he stayed silent. I rolled my eyes and stormed off. Behind me, I heard,

"Leave you." from Josh's mouth

"HEARD THAT!" I hollered back.


"So Sky, how old are you?" Josh asked. After meeting her, he couldn't help but warm to her. Sky held up one finger on her right hand and one finger on her left hand.

"You're two?!" Tolken yelled out. I rolled my eyes, Josh shook his head and Sky facepalmed herself.

"She's eleven genius." I replied sarcastically, which resulted in Tolken throwing his sandwich at me, me catchinh it in my mouth and Sky giggling.

"Okay bedtime." I said taking Sky's hand. "We get the car, you get the moonlight." Sky and I tucked ourselves into blankets inside the car and she cuddled me in her sleep. I stroked her hair softly and said,

"We'll find them. The one you lost. We'll help. No matter what."


Matt's POV

I slapped the girl's cheek, causing it to go bright red.

"WHERE IS SHE! TELL ME!" I yelled.

"I ain't fucking telling you, you twat." she shouted. I slapped her again and eyed her up.

"You were at the campsite her car arrived in. Now, tell me where you hid your little friend, or I'll send my beta for her." She looked behind and saw Liam cracking his knuckles. Suddenly, she smirked.

"I won't tell you. But you won't kill her. You wouldn't get ten foot near her." I growled at her remark and slapped her once more. I would find that kid Sky, find my Mate, and kill this stupid girl... Jade.


Woo update! This chapter is dedicated to @skyshines who is the new character Sky in this book.

Here are some questions to answer before the next update,

1. Is there anyone you want to come back? Who and why?

2. Do you think Eliza should have stayed with Matt? Reasons?

3. What do you think might happen if Liam is sent to get Sky?

Anyway keep voting wattpandas :3

DeeDee xxx

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