Chapter 37: Rumor

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Chapter 37: Rumor

I felt better a day later. I didn't exactly know what caused the sudden fever. Maybe I was just too tired from the field work or being drenched from the rain the other day.

I was waiting for Anabeth in the breakfast hall that morning. While waiting, I couldn't help but stare at my palms, remembering a strange dream I had in the middle of the fever. It was Zackary... touching my face... holding my hand.

Umiling ako sa naisip. Silly dream. Why would Zackary see me?

Dumating si Anabeth sa breakfast hall at agad umupo sa silya sa tapat ko. "So have you decided what to do in your day off?" she asked, excited  for me.

The senior staff granted me a few days off to recover. According to  them, I had accomplished a lot of things these past few weeks and I deserved a rest from work.

"I might visit downtown to buy things I need," I told Anabeth.

Her lips pulled out in a tight pout. "Gusto ko din," she blurted. "Pero ubos na ang leave ko for this month."

"It's okay," I assured her. "Sasamahan nalang kita sa susunod."

"Are you sure you're okay heading out alone?"

Bigla kong naalala ang nangyari sa mansion ni Lilian. Their wide eyes staring like I was an attraction in a circus, their high pitch laughter ringing in my ears.

But I'm far from them right now. "I'll be fine."

Umalis ako sa apothecary bago magtanghali. I grabbed my small brown bag and a few things I needed before heading to the bus stop near the apothecary.

I had a small notebook with me where I listed the things I needed to buy including study materials and a new coat dahil napunit ang sleeves ng coat ko noong nasa village kami.

Umupo ako sa pinakamalapit na bakanteng upuan pagdating ng bus. Tumunghay ako sa labas ng bintana nang magsimulang umandar ang sasakyan.

Large white clouds lazily roamed the cobalt sky. It was a good day for a walk in town. Absentmindedly, I clutched my chest. I badly needed diversion, to shift my attention, because it seems like my heart hadn't settled for days.

Pagdating sa downtown, napansin ko ang mga tingin ng mga taong kasama ko sa bus na hindi ko napansin kanina. They've been talking in whispers, shaking their heads in my direction before they stepped out of the bus.

Pilit ko itong hindi pinansin. The approach wasn't new to me. Ilang buwan na akong nakatira sa Van Zanth, pero may mga taong hindi ko mapipilit na tanggapin ako.

Pagbaba ko sa bus, I checked my list and decided to go to the stationery shop first to buy some notebooks and pens. I walked slowly, watching kids from a nearby fountain chased each other.

Pagdating ko sa tapat ng shop, the owner was talking to another woman in front of the shop. I greeted them with a small smile. Ilang beses na akong bumisita sa shop na ito kasama si Anabeth and the shop owner  was nothing but kind to us.

Kaya nagulat ako nang sa halip na bumati tulad ng dati, umirap ito sa direksyon ko. The customer with her whispered loud enough for me to hear.

"She's the one I'm telling you about..."

Hindi ako nakagalaw nang pareho nila akong titigan mula ulo hanggang paa. "Sigurado ka?" the shop owner asked the woman. "Mukha naman siyang hindi ganoon."

"Don't let the innocent face fool you," the customer insisted. "My daughter said it herself... this woman from the apothecary is trying to seduce the alpha..."

Never Be TamedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon