Chapter 43: Connection

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Warning: this chapter may contain explicit scenes.

Chapter 43: Connection

Third Person's POV

The villagers were frantic after Nari came back from the forest crying and covered in wounds. She told them she lost Eleanor in the forest, the staff sent by the apothecary to their village.

The villagers immediately prepared their lamps, flashlights and rain coats, ready to search the entire mountain. The forest was pitch black, the rain pouring in shower as they made their way in groups inside the forest.

But before they could go further, someone stepped out of the forest, black trench coat, hair damp, and a woman in his arms. It was the alpha of Van Zanth and in his arms was Eleanor, drenched and unconscious.


The villagers didn't know what to do. It was the only moment most of them laid eyes on the alpha. Even the village leader was stunned, who only saw the alpha once in town in a meeting of the leaders after the transition.

"Ms. Eleanor..."

It was Nari who broke the silence from the group of villagers. She dipped her head in a bow in front of the alpha, tears in her eyes, seeing the lady she looked up to, unconscious in the alpha's arms.

"Where is her cabin?"

It took a moment before Nari responded to the alpha. She calmed herself before leading the alpha to the second floor of the clinic, in Eleanor's quarter.

The rest of the villagers were left confused, questioning. In the dark with nothing but the lights from the lamps and flashlights in their hands, they've never seen such thing.

Did the alpha came all the way to their village just to save Eleanor, the staff from the apothecary?

In the living quarter, Nari helped the unconscious Eleanor dried up and change clothes, while the alpha was downstairs in the clinic, searching for medicines.

It was the first time Nari saw the alpha... and in a such strange circumstances. The alpha was drenched in rain, worried, and nothing else in mind but Eleanor.

Nari stared at the unconscious woman in bed, slowly realizing she wasn't an ordinary staff in the apothecary.

Eleanor's POV

I woke up, my head remained hazy. The sky was still dark outside. I wonder what time it is. Sinubukan kong umupo mula sa kama. Napadaing ako nang maramdaman ang sakit na tila gumuguhit sa aking likod. I stared around the familiar small room. I was back in my room in the village.

Umalis ako sa kama at sinubukang tumayo. Pain shoot through my body. My fall must have been bad. I've never felt this searing pain in a while. I walked to the door with my hand on the wall, supporting my balance and was about to reach the knob when I lost my footing.

A pair of arms caught me just in time. My face hit his broad chest as he held me in his arms. I stared up, my mind a bit cloudy, my senses confused. His face stared down at me, his eyes a flickering gold in the dark.


"You shouldn't be leaving the bed."

I stared up at his face, the corners of his jaw, the slope of his nose. It came rushing to me like a river, the scenes at the forest... the thunderstorm, him finding me.

I bit my lower lip, wincing in pain. Out of nowhere, Zackary lifted me to his arms and took several steps and placed me back to the bed. Hindi ko napigilan ang sarili na tumitig sa kanya. He's really here... in front of me.

Never Be TamedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon