Chapter 61: Binding Contract

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Chapter 61: Binding Contract

I woke up with my body a bit sore. Hindi ko gustong gumalaw mula sa higaan. I dug my face against the soft sheets with the rays of the sun streaming from the window down to the king size bed, wondering what time is it.

I extended my hand to the other side of the bed, searching for him. But the other side was empty. Tuluyan kong binuksan ang aking mga mata. I sat up realizing I was alone on the bed. Where is Zackary?

I was about to leave the bed when I felt something strange against my skin. My eyes widen discovering I was wearing Zackary's shirt and  only the thick duvet was covering my bare lower body.

Red tinted my cheeks as I immediately roamed my eyes to the floor searching for my clothes. I reached for them neatly folded at the edge of the bed.

Nang makapagbihis ako nang maayos, lumabas ako sa kwarto. The entire place remained unfamiliar to me. A mansion for Zackary to live in... a place where he asked me to stay with him.

As I descended the gigantic staircase, I could hear someone moving in the lower floor. It must have been Zackary. He normally wakes up early. After all, we didn't intent to stay the entire night in the mansion. But the heavy rain had no plans of stopping yesterday and we were bound to stay in the room the entire night.

From the staircase, I couldn't help but marvel at the interior of the mansion washed in daylight. The the glass window reaching the high ceilings and the rays of the sun settling down on the wooden floor. Crystal drops of the chandelier glistening on midday, with the crisp smell of outdoor reaching the living room from the open doors of the patio. This early morning view was breathtaking to look at.

Once I reached the floor level, I turned to the direction of the kitchen where the savory smell was coming from. Sumilip ako mula sa pintuan kung saan nakita ko si Zackary. He was cooking something in the  newly renovated kitchen adorned with black granite and white cabinets and shelving.

"Good morning," bati niya nang mapansin ako sa doorway.

I smiled and mumbled the same words before walking to the island counter where the plates were being prepared. A dish of pasta and  grilled meat.

"Where did you get all these?" I asked him, taking a seat on the stool facing the counter.

"I woke up early and bought some ingredients in downtown."

I watched Zackary facing the burner, busily cooking the meat on the  olive oil covered pan, wearing nothing but pants because I had his shirt since last night. He clicked the burner off and meticulously placed the food on the prepared plates.

"Do you want my help?" I asked him.

He faced me after wiping his hands on a dish towel hanging on the counter. "No need. I know you're still sore." His statement was followed by a playful smile.

I blinked, feeling my cheeks heating up again. "Zack..."

He chuckled and stood behind me from the stool, hugging me from behind. He placed a kiss on top of my head before whispering, "Let's have lunch."

Instead of heading to the formal dining room, we decided to have meal  in the wide Victorian style kitchen with the plate of food neatly laid on the black granite counter.

"How are you feeling? Do you feel okay?" Zackary asked, sitting on a stool opposite mine.

I nodded, refusing to admit that I felt a bit sore from last night. "How about you?"

A rare smirk crossed his lips. "It was amazing, Eleanor. You were amazing."

I bit my lower lip in embarrassment, causing him to chuckle bago kami nagsimulang kumain.

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