Chapter 39: A Stranger

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Chapter 39: A Stranger

Since we came back from the Van Zanth mansion, I have been tormenting myself by spending every possible time in the tower working. There were times I only go back to the main building to rest during evenings.

Anabeth knew something was up. She saw me in tears when I left Zackary's room days ago. But she didn't ask me questions which I was thankful for. Although I could see her getting more and more concerned.

"I guess you're not going this weekend?"

We were having breakfast in the hall when she asked me about it. Bago umalis sa mansion, inimbita kami ni Zanra na dumalo sa wedding anniversary celebration ng kanyang mga magulang na gaganapin sa Sabado.

"I'm not sure," I told Anabeth, unable to give a solid answer.

Ms. Laura and Sir Zander were one of the people I admire in Van Zanth. Despite their titles and position, they were kind enough to help me settle here. I wanted to congratulate them but is it still right for me to attend?

"Are you avoiding him?"

Muli akong bumaling kay Anabeth dahil sa kanyang tanong. Him... Zackary. I was the one who wished for us to stay away from each other's paths. I should be okay with it. But no matter what I do, I couldn't lie to myself.

After breakfast, we were about to head to the tower when we passed by the announcement board on the hallway kung saan ilang staff ang binabasa ang bagong paskil dito.

"It's the time of the year again..." muttered Anabeth nang pareho kaming huminto para basahin ito, a long announcement requiring volunteers for another field program.

Pagdating namin sa tower, tinanong ko agad si Anabeth tungkol dito.

"It's a field activity," started Anabeth while both of us were seated in our work station. Her, in front of the long table with apparatuses for making medicines, and me, in my table drowned with old books and research materials.

"Volunteers are stationed in different villages for a month, like a roving medical team. Pinagdaanan ito ng halos lahat ng staff and everyone had different experiences about it. But if there's one thing in common, it was draining."

"Volunteers sleep in tents and camps, sometimes with no clean water or food to cook. They travel with other staff, rain or shine, in mountains and dangerous terrains. I love field work pero ito 'yong hindi ko gugustuhing ulitin."

Hindi nawala sa isip ko ang tungkol sa program buong umaga. I was already thinking of the list of requirements and if I was eligible to be part of it.

Pagdating ng tanghali, habang paalis kami sa tower para maglunch, nabanggit ni Anabeth na kailangan niyang dalhan ng gamot si Ms. Venise.

"Is she sick?" tanong ko.

Humarap siya sa 'kin, nagtataka, saka siya biglang may naalala. "Oh, right!" she exclaimed, the sudden burst of enthusiasm almost made me jump. "Hindi ko pa pala nasabi sa 'yo. Aunt Venise is four weeks pregnant."

My mood instantly shifted with the news. "Vincent is going to be a big brother."

Natawa si Anabeth sa sinabi ko. "Yes, and the little fella is very excited about it."

Niyaya ako ni Anabeth na sumama sa paghatid ng supplement kay Ms. Venise, and because I miss the family and little Vincent, I agreed to go with her.

By afternoon, the apothecary service car dropped us to a familiar neighborhood. Unlike the place where most elites live with lonely streets and towering gates, Ms. Venise's neighborhood was more pleasant, welcoming. Low hedges surrounded the open yards in front of elegant houses with vine covered brick walls.

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