Chapter 58: Protect You

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Chapter 58: Protect You

I was sitting in the passenger seat of Zackary's car that evening. We  were on our way to attend the social gathering. Naging tahimik ako habang nakaupo sa tabi niya. Hindi parin maalis sa isip ko ang nangyari sa kanyang kwarto. The intimate scene caused my cheeks to flush by  thinking about it.

Naramdaman ko ang pag-abot ni Zackary sa palad ko habang nagmamaneho. "You look beautiful tonight," he murmured, casting me a glance.

I was wearing a breathtaking dress that Zanra had mentioned and Anabeth helped me pick it up from Ms. Venise's dress shop. It was the color of dark emerald with the sleeves off my shoulders and encrusted with hundreds of tiny crystals from the waist down to the hem. I  honestly think it was too elegant for me.

"You think so?" I mumbled to Zackary.

"I might be wrong."

I bit my lower lip. "Is it... too pretty for me?"

Pinisil niya ang palad ko bago sumilay ang ngiti sa sulok ng kanyang  labi. "Because it doesn't matter what you wear, Eleanor. You make everything you put on beautiful."

My eyelids fluttered in sheer embarrassment before I turned my gaze outside the window. Why was it so easy for him to say those words? When I don't even know where to start whenever I see him look this  good.

He looked stunning tonight, with a black suit and his hair carefully  styled to look tousled. I suddenly remembered how my fingers got tangled in his hair while I was on his lap with the low sound coming  from my lips.

Umiling ako sa naisip. Why do I have to think of it now?

"I can feel what you're thinking."

Nanlaki ang mga mata ko sa narinig. Tuluyang nag-apoy ang aking  pisngi. I raised my hand to cover my face. "It's... I..." Wala akong maisagot sa kanyang sinabi.

I heard him chuckle as if he find the situation amusing. "Eleanor," he started, with his gaze not leaving the road ahead. "Physical intimacy is natural. You don't have to be ashamed of your desires, especially these urges are stronger between mates."

I removed my hands from my face to stare at him. The way he  explained things were too straightforward, as if explaining something scientific. I couldn't help but wonder if these desires were only coming  from me.

"Do you... also feel the same way?"

"Everyday." His answer caused a gasp from escaping my lips. "I think about you everyday and sometimes it gets painful. But I can't let my desire take over. There are still a lot of things I want you to feel. All of your first, I want it to be with me."

All I could do was stare at him. He thinks about me... the same way?  My eyelids fluttered followed by the building emotions blossoming in  my chest. Instead of getting ashamed like earlier, I felt a sense of contentment knowing I could make Zackary feel this way. I wanted to experience all of these things with him.

The long drive continued as we passed by the boundary between Van Zanth and Ellesmere. Zackary and I once visited the town to treat their alpha's daughter. The family must be doing well now. Months ago, visitors were rarely welcomed in the place. It was the first time the  family agreed to host the council gathering.

After almost an hour, we eventually arrived at the premises of the mansion. The place was glowing in the midst of the surrounding vast woods like a lamp in the dark. I knew right away how exclusive the gathering was. Since we arrived in town, I noticed the tight security implemented, especially in the roads leading to the mansion. Guards  and orders roamed the area and every passing car in the gates were thoroughly inspected.

Never Be TamedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon