Chapter 47: Mate

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Chapter 47: Mate

My fingers moved as I slowly wake up. The sound of beeping filled my ears coming from a machine. I opened my eyes to the white ceiling  above me. Blinking slowly, I tried to focus my gaze.

"She's awake."

"Call the doctor."

Noises. The unfamiliar voices seemed surrounding me. A stranger's face showed up in my reverie, asking questions. But I couldn't say anything  or hear him properly. My mouth was dry and my eyelids were becoming heavy again.

They were talking in soft yet rushed voices. I couldn't understand anything. My eyelids were dropping close again and the beeping grew louder in my ears.

"We're losing her again."

It was like night time. I couldn't see anything except for the darkness surrounding me. I knew I was awake but my body couldn't seem to  follow. I had a hard time keeping awake for too long.

I heard voices again. This time, a voice that's achingly familiar. A low, deep voice saying my name. "Eleanor..." He held my hand tight in his callous palm and the boulder crushing my chest was lifted. I could breathe again.

I didn't know how long I've been surrounded by darkness. Nang muli akong maalimpungatan, patuloy ang pagtunog ng aparato malapit sa kinaroroonan ko. But it wasn't aggressive as before... it was more mild, like a hum.

Unti-unti kong binuksan muli ang aking mga mata. There were no voices... the room was empty. I lifted my hand at stared at the thin  tubes connected to my palm and wrist. Clear liquid and blood seemed to flow in and out of my body.

Narinig ko ang ingay mula sa labas ng pintuan, ang mga boses na naguusap.

"I hope there's improvement this time."

Bumukas ang pinto ng kwarto at pumasok si Anabeth. Nanlaki ang kanyang mga mata at halos sumigaw nang makita akong gising at nakaupo sa kama.

"You're awake!" she exclaimed.

Kasama niya si Senior Violeta who admonished her to keep her voice low.

"Gising na siya... gising na siya sa wakas..."

"I know." Senior Violeta turned to me with relief on her face. "I'll call the staff."

She left the room. Lumapit sa'kin si Anabeth na tila hindi parin makapaniwala. Even her eyes were teary. With weak voice, I asked. "Why are you crying?"

"I'm just... happy. I'm happy you came back to us."

The doctors arrived along with several staff from the hospital. I didn't like hospitals... I preferred the apothecary. Anabeth had to step out of the room leaving Senior Violeta with the white coat people.

They lingered around the bed, examining me and asking various questions, testing my vision and reflexes. I glanced at Senior Violeta. I didn't understand what's happening. I've only been asleep for a few hours.

"She made it."

"She's safe now."

Lumapit sa'kin si Senior Violeta na may ngiti sa labi. She held my left cheek with her wrinkled hand and whispered with such warmth and comfort.

"You're gonna be okay now."

Two weeks. I've been unconscious for two weeks. They said I had lost too much blood and the process of transfusion was risky for hybrids because of the high chance that the body will refuse the foreign element from the blood.

They said Zackary hired doctors and specialist from Fabrice to treat me during those two weeks. They said that the worst thing a hybrid could undergo was blood lost because no matter what knowledge or expertise we have in healing wounds and fatal injuries, one can never replaced what was lost.

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