Chapter 64: Sacrificial Lamb

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Chapter 64: Sacrificial Lamb

I stared blankly at Alexander lying several feet away from me, my heart thumping inside my chest. I pushed myself out of the car, stumbling  into the wet grass. The downpour continued while I walked with trembling feet to my brother lifeless on the ground.

"See what you've done?" Madame's voice resonated in my reverie but I couldn't see or feel anything else. "Kung maayos ka lamang sanang sumama sa'kin, hindi ito mangyayari sa kapatid mo." Venom dripped from her voice.

My knees fell to the ground next to Alexander. Blood continued  staining the grass, mixing with the puddles of rain on the ground. "Alexander..." my voice cracked. "Kuya..."

I placed my hand over his shoulder, shaking it lightly, but there was no response from him. Tears rolled along with rain drops on my cheeks, blurring everything in my vision.

"Take her back to the car."

Muling lumapit ang tatlong tauhan ni Madame sa kinaroroonan ko,  ready to force me again to come with them. But I could no longer feel anything, not even fear.

"Let me heal him." I faced Madame, desperate, pleading. "Let me heal him and I would go with you anywhere. I'll never escape. I'll be your slave... just like before."

Raising an eyebrow at my proposition, Madame raised a hand stopping his men from forcing me to stand up. With eyes void of emotions and voice breaking with every word, I repeated my plea. "Just let me heal  my brother."

Madame while holding a black umbrella, stared down at me drenched under the rain. Her scoff was followed by a dry chuckle. "What an interesting way to strike a deal."

I placed my palm against my folded knees, clasping them. Her men surrounding me were waiting for her command. "Please..." I mumbled. "I only need several minutes. I won't go anywhere."

I could stop the bleeding within those short time. I could mend and seal Alexander's wound. Even if I had to leave him, he's going to survive from here.

"Go ahead then." I raised my head to look up at Madame. "You have ten minutes to do so."

Wala akong sinayang na oras.

I placed my trembling hands on Alexander's chest, locating the wound that's been heavily bleeding. I couldn't ask for medicine or equipment to help treat him. It was going to be the only time I was going to treat someone solely with my skill.

But I had no time to doubt. I was always reminded in the apothecary about the things my skill was forbidden to execute. But whatever effect this would leave my body, I no longer care.

Taking a deep breath, I placed my palm over his wound, carefully  starting the process of closing the torn parts of his body. It's going to be okay. I repeated to myself. It's going to be okay.

I sharp pain flashed like lightning through my chest, knocking me breathless. I staggered on the ground, forcing my trembling hands to remain over Alexander's wound. It's nothing. I reminded to distract myself from the pain. It's part of the process. It means Alexander is healing.

I shut my eyes close, cold and shivering under the rain. The pain was digging a hole in my chest. His wound was closing at the same time I  was losing my breath.

Just a bit more...

"Are you not done yet?"

My entire body froze, hearing Madame's impatient voice.

"I-I'm almost..." I couldn't push the words out of mouth, too weak to even speak. I placed my attention back to Alexander before Madame completely lose her patience.

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