Chapter 1: March 2nd, 12:00 PM

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Xingqiu grinned as he quickly sprinkled chili powder on Chongyun's lunch. He then inconspicuously scooted away from Chongyun's food and tucked the chili powder in his own lunch bag. He waited for Chongyun to come back from the bathroom.

When Chongyun came back, Xingqiu was already eating his lunch: Shrimp.

Chongyun said a quick 'hi' before biting into his sushi. He immediately spat it back out. "Xingqiu!" He exclaimed, panicking slightly as he started feeling his Yang spirit stir and his body temperature increase. He started sweating and panting as he tried to search for a popsicle before doing anything that might embarrass himself. Chongyun had a...disorder. He did very odd things when he heated up or ate spicy food.

Xingqiu thought it was cute, but he pulled out a popsicle anyway. "Ehehe, here, take the popsicle," He said as he gave it to Chongyun.

Chongyun calmed down a bit before blushing. "Please don't do it again...are the other rolls spicy?" He asked.

Xingqiu grinned. "Nope, I only sprinkled chili powder on the top, the other rolls should be fine. Also, no promises."

Chongyun reached into his bag to hold a popsicle just in case the sushi was rigged. But it was fine. Just normal, cold, delicious sushi. "Phew," he mumbled.

"As an apology, can I go to your house today?" Xingqiu grinned harder.

"Uh, yeah sure. Of course. Although please don't rig my food again..."

"Again, no promises,"

Chongyun shook his head and continued eating his delicious sushi. After he had finished, Xingqiu raised the topic of their new teacher: Mr. Albert.

"Don't you think that the new teacher who teaches math is...uh, weird? I get this weird feeling about him...I think his name is Mr. Albert." Said Xingqiu.

Chongyun agreed that Mr. Albert was weird. "I think I saw him, um, flirting with Barbara?"

"Creep...well anyways, the bell's going to ring in the next few seconds..."

The loud, repeated ringing of the bell interrupted the rest of Xingqiu's sentence, and the two boys were forced to pack up their lunches and hurry to their next class: Science, with Mr. Timaeus.


"Mr. Timaeus sir, I do not believe that adding Crystal Cores to Electro Crystals will transform Electro Crystals into a Crystal Prism. I do believe though, the Fatui have a special and unknown way of creating Crystal Prisms using Sweet Flowers, water, and a Crystal Core. This may be unproven, but the DNA of the Crystal Prism similarly relates to one of a Crystal Core, but it seems to have the same and repeated cells of Sweet Flowers—" Albedo lectured, for the third time in this class.

"Albedo, please, I beg you to interrupt my very accurate and important presentation." Said Mr. Timaeus, obviously trying to control his emotions.

Today was Albedo's first science class. And the amount of times Albedo interrupted Mr. Timaeus was stunning. Many people expected him to be smart, but at this level?

"Mr. Timaeus, I don't think sharing a presentation with inaccurate information is impor—" And yet Albedo was cut off again.

"Albedo, please refrain from commenting on this presentation. If you have a question, please raise your hand."

Albedo fell silent, with a passive expression, expressing no emotion, except for his aqua eyes narrowing slightly.

Xingqiu noticed that Kaeya—the guys with an eyepatch—raised his eyebrows and was staring at Albedo for the rest of the class.

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