Chapter 6: March 4th 12:15 PM

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"Hey Xingqiu!" called out a girl with light blonde hair.

Xingqiu turned to find Lumine running towards him on the concrete road. He was going to get a small coffee today. Chongyun was having lunch at the school and had homework to catch up on.

"Hi Lumine. How are you?"

"Oh, I'm fine. I was just wondering," Lumine nervously tucked a loose strand of her gleaming hair behind her ear, "If I could borrow your book? It's called Reminiscence of the Light, you know? The fantasy adventure book? I really want to read it, and they're sold out at the Yae Publishing House so—"

Xingqiu's face lit up. "You haven't read it yet? You must read it. Here, I have it in my backpack," He said, digging in his blue backpack for a book. At last, he pulled out a small soft covered book. "Would you like to read it together?"

"Sure! I already ate my lunch." Lumine said with a bright smile.

Xingqiu pulled Lumine to a bench. He held the book so the two of them could read in the sunny light. The warmth from the sun warmed his bones up, and a light breeze ruffled his hair.

Lumine flipped the paper pages whenever. Xingqiu was a faster reader than her, apparently, as she always flipped the page when he was already rereading the page.

After a while of relaxed reading, Xingqiu broke the silence. "I think we need to go back to the school," He said.

"Yeah, probably," Said Lumine, memorizing the page number. "Can I, uh, borrow this book for a bit? I swear I'll give it back."

Xingqiu smiled. "Of course, just find me when you're done." Xingqiu then grabbed his bag and hurried back to the school.

Good thing it wasn't far away. When he had came back to the school, it was already time for his science class.

Today, Mr. Timaeus was teaching the students how to create a small crystal core with some bizarre formula like heating up a Mist Corolla and an Electro Crystal before putting them together.

Albedo raised his hand. Mr. Timaeus looked around and tried to ignore the hand until the last second. The Electro Crystal was already sparking dangerously as it heated up on the stove, while the Mist Corolla seemed unaffected.

"Yes, Albedo?" Asked Mr. Timaeus.

"With no disrespect, Mr. Timaeus, but this experiment will not work and can lead to damages to the school and—"

"No, I don't think so. Now, let's see..." Mr. Timaeus used tongs to move the Mist Corolla—which now seemed to be smoking—toward the Electro Crystal...

Xingqiu watched, with interest. He was concerned for Mr. Timaeus' safety.

The Electro Crystal touched the Mist Corolla, just for a second. There was an explosion. A silent, smoky, explosion.

Almost everyone in the classroom jumped in their seats.

The classroom was not affected at all by the explosion—except for the odd smell now wafting through the classroom—but Mr. Timaeus had a thin layer of soot on his face. His hair now had black highlights.

Back on the stove, the Electro Crystal was positively about to explode, while the Mist Corolla could not be seen anywhere.

Albedo seemed to be taking notes in what Xingqiu assumed to be a notebook.

Mr. Timaeus used the tongs to hold up the sparking Electro Crystal. "Ah...well, the Mist Corolla didn't seem to be hot enough. This would've turned into a Crystal Core..."

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