Chapter 9: March 12th 12:30 AM

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The last few days had flown in the pressure of exams. Chongyun had gone to Xinyan's performance (his mom wouldn't allow him to invite Xingqiu) and was forced to meet with Hu Tao every week. Neither teen had romantic feelings for each other, but Chongyun's mom was very forceful.

Xingqiu's brother had come to visit for two days before leaving again. He had inconveniently visited on Monday instead of Saturday or Sunday.

Amber kept on teasing Chongyun mercilessly about a girlfriend or a boyfriend.

People were also now panicking, as the prom was coming up for all grades after spring break. In a small school, people were getting snatched up fast. Chongyun had told himself to not worry, as Xingqiu would definitely be there for him, but there was still a small, nagging voice in the back of his head.

Xingqiu was sitting at the lunch table with Chongyun. The two boys had finished their lunches and were now hurriedly grasping the last fifteen minutes to study and revise. Three more days until the exam, they were panicking.

The rational part of Xingqiu's brain told him that he couldn't fail, could he? But this did not keep the worry from flooding into his brain, destroying his concentration and thoughts.

Suddenly, a random girl popped up in front of Xingqiu. She seemed slightly breathless. "Hi...uh, w-would you like to go to the prom with me?" She asked.

Xingqiu was taken aback. Yes, he expected multiple girls to ask Childe or Kaeya, but him? "I'm afraid I'm already going with someone..."

"Oh." The girl looked slightly crestfallen (making Xingqiu rather guilty) as she walked away, embarrassed.

"You're already going with someone?" Asked Chongyun.

Xingqiu grinned. "Yeah, uh, do you want to go to the prom with me?"

Chongyun was delighted. Yes, he was expecting this, but it didn't make it less heart-melting. "Of course, Qiu."

Xingqiu's heart essentially died as it admired Chongyun's adorable cuteness. He blushed slightly and gave Chongyun a small but genuine smile.

The two blue-haired boys went back to their work. Science class was next. Another block of suffering.


When science was over (Mr. Timaeus was teaching 'how to make a Hoarfrost core with water and ice'), Kaeya walked up to Albedo. And asked him out for the prom.

Xingqiu listened, excited.

"Hey Albedo?"

"..." Albedo turned his teal eyes to him, to show he was listening.

"Will you go to the prom with me?" Kaeya asked, not tripping once, not stuttering, and not losing confidence. At all.

"...Yes, I would like to. I suggest we should continue this conversation elsewhere. As a certain author is eavesdropping right now."

Xingqiu cheeks tinged pink, but he managed a small wave at Kaeya. Kaeya shook his head and smirked, satisfied.

Amber came over to Chongyun. "Do you have a date for the prom yet?" She asked.

"Uh, yeah—"

Amber smiled so hard; her cheeks probably hurt. "Who?"


Amber's eyes widened, but they sparkled. "I thought you didn't like it when I shipped you with him?"


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