Chapter 16: April 26th 3:00 PM

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"What—" Chongyun started.

They were shopping. Xingqiu had dragged Chongyun to a mall right after school had ended. Xingqiu insisted, for some reason.

"Should we get a drink first? How about bubble tea?" Asked Xingqiu excitedly.

Bubble tea did sound nice. "Uh, sure," Chongyun agreed.

Xingqiu and Chongyun walked, and finally after a long distance, they arrived at the food court. Xingqiu took Chongyun's hand and quite literally dragged him towards a counter.

"What would you like?" Asked Xingqiu to Chongyun.

Chongyun looked up at the glowing TV displaying the options of the drink. "How about...rose milk tea?" He added hastily, "With pearls..."

Xingqiu grinned and nodded. This shop's rose milk tea was superb. He quickly tried to decide on what he would drink.

"Hi, anything to order?" Asked the woman behind the counter.

"One rose milk tea with pearls," Xingqiu said, pausing to let the lady add it to the screen.

"Anything else?"

"And a roasted oolong milk tea with pearls." Xingqiu said as he dug into his wallet for money.

"Okay, it's two thousand five hundred mora."

Xingqiu paid and put in a tip. The lady took the money and smiled before heading over to make the drinks.

Xingqiu stepped back and waited the drinks, Chongyun nibbled on a popsicle while he was at it.

"Thanks," Xingqiu said as he took the two bubble tea drinks when the lady had put them on the counter. He handed the pinkish one to Chongyun while took the brown one for himself.

Chongyun hurriedly finished his popsicle before starting his drink. It was good, the rose wasn't too strong but wasn't ignorable either.

"Well, where do we go next?" Asked Xingqiu as he sipped his drink.

"Uh, why are we here again?"

"To get books and items that we need. I realize that it's not really your thing, but trust me, there's a lot of cool shops. Though, I just remembered, we can pick up some books at the bookshop! Or we can go to the library."

"We can go to the bookshop," Chongyun decided.

Xingqiu led the way to the bookshop. They stepped inside the neat and furnished store, with shelves of book lining in every direction.

"I wonder if they have Reminiscence of the Light II," Xingqiu said. "Everyone wants it..." He walked around the bookshop, raising his head to look at every shelf. "Right, we might as well as use the computer," He said.

Chongyun followed him curiously. He suddenly really wanted to start the series of Reminiscence of the Light.

Xingqiu stopped at a computer and typed in something. The words Reminiscence of the Light appeared in the search bar, letter by letter.

Chongyun took another sip of his drink, the rose flavor appearing on his tongue. He stared as Xingqiu whisper yelled.

"YES! They have it in! Shelf F-2...Help me look, Yunyun!" Xingqiu grabbed Chongyun's hand once more and tried to find F-2.

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