Chapter 11: March 15th 11:58 AM

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"Two minutes until lunch break," Called the teacher.

Exams were being took. It was the entire day, a few breaks in between. Anxiety had filled the room. There were sounds of flipping papers. Students were not allowed to talk to each other until after they've finished.

The entire time, Xingqiu was wondering if Chongyun was okay. He wanted to reach out, to poke him on the shoulder and comfort him.

But he couldn't. He sighed as he continued reviewing his exam.

Xingqiu's nervousness for Chongyun tripled. His pulse was strong. Xingqiu risked a quick glance to Chongyun. He seemed fine. Unemotional.

I should get him a gift. A souvenir of our relationship. Another part of his brain argued. His mom doesn't like you. At all.

The bell chimed, loud and clear, ringing over and over again in Xingqiu's ears, interrupting the silence of the room. People groaned and cleared their desks.

Everyone slowly emptied out the room, shuffling with dread. Xingqiu dragged Chongyun with him. Thankfully, Chongyun made no action of resisting Xingqiu. They made it to the cafeteria slightly later than the other students.

There was loud talking in the large cafeteria. Students talking about the test or laughing with their friends.

Xingqiu and Chongyun pulled out their lunches. Chongyun had his favorite: sushi. But he no longer seemed to be enjoying it.

Xingqiu had packed a simple bun—as he was too lazy to pack anything more than that.

Xingqiu took a bite and thought. He wanted to do something more for Chongyun than just stand there. But there really didn't seem to be anything to do.

It was just slightly over a week into their relationship, and yet it seemed to already be slowly crumbling apart. Thinking about this made his eyes get misty. He closed his eyes and bit back his feelings.

He couldn't cry now. He still had another few blocks of exams.

He prayed.

Please, Chongyun, be okay.


Childe smirked as a random girl went up to him and asked him to the prom. It was lunch, he sat at a cafeteria table with Zhongli.

Oh, how funny it was to see their faces fall as he rejected them. But this also reminded Childe of his date. He wanted, needed to go with Zhongli. But, as he thought, the chances were slim.

Yeah, go on, ask him again, but this time in front of everyone so they can laugh at you.

If Zhongli didn't go with him, he would have to ask some random person.

"Something seems to be troubling you."

Childe usually laughed with Zhongli, talked with him in an enjoyable atmosphere. Now he was just purely frustrated. At himself and Zhongli. How could Zhongli be so calm? Not affected by anything at all. Childe realized this was something he admired about Zhongli.

Please don't. "Haha, yeah. Although it's nothing too serious."

Zhongli regarded Childe in the corner of his eye. "It's something you want to ask me."

It was unfair how Zhongli—quite simply—knew everything. Childe remained silent.

"The prom," Zhongli prompted.

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