Chapter 14: March 19th 3:00 PM

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Chongyun heard his phone ringing. It interrupted the odd silence of his house. He wiped his eyes on his bedsheets and went over to check who it was.


He slid the button to answer the call. "H-hi..." He said, his voice scratchy and hoarse.

" the letter. Are you okay?"

"..." Chongyun sniffed, not knowing how to reply.

"Can I come over? Please...?"


"Alright. I'm coming. I'll try to be quick. Yunyun, you're going to be okay. I'll see you there, okay?"

"A-alright. B-bye..." Chongyun said, wiping his tears on his hoodie's sleeve. He gently tapped the end call button and put his phone down. But the second he stopped talking to Xingqiu, an overwhelming amount of sadness engulfed him. He felt tears prickling at the edges of his eyes.

Something Shenhe had once told him was to cry. To cry out all his emotions, to not stop them. It went against his instincts, but he let the tears flow. He felt the liquid drip down his face as he flopped onto his bed again, letting his tears flow onto the blankets.

But this time, the crying felt different. It didn't seem to be the impossible rage of a sea of emotions, but instead something that assured him that he would be okay later.

And a while later, he was just sniffing in his bed, too emotionally exhausted to get out.

He was thinking about his dad when the doorbell rang.


He dragged himself out of his bed and went to get the door downstairs. He felt relieved and refreshed. In a way you only could after you cried. The world looked different and seemed different. He opened the door.

"Hi." He said quietly to Xingqiu.

Much to Xingqiu's surprise, Chongyun wasn't crying. He was just a little puffy-eyed. "How are you Yunyun?" He asked. "Can I come in?"

"I'm...okay." Chongyun stepped aside for Xingqiu to step inside the house. Xingqiu did, and Chongyun closed the door.

"Do you want something to eat? Anything?"

"'s okay." Chongyun and Xingqiu walked and sat down at the couch.

"Is there anything you want to tell me?" Whispered Xingqiu worriedly.

"Not...really. But...can we just c-cuddle?" Asked Chongyun shyly. He looked away and took out a popsicle.

"Of course, Yunyun."


Childe was back in the Zapolyarny palace. He bowed down to The Tsaritsa, staring at the marble checkered tiles below him. He looked up and saw The Tsaritsa, sitting on her throne and looking utterly relaxed. Childe's eyes shone with admiration and respect for the woman.

"Tartaglia." Her voice rang.

"Yes, your majesty?"

"We have good news. We're going back to Snezhnaya over Spring break. You can still come back here to finish your education. Now." She said, with a fake airy lightness, "Have you gotten the vase back? It's very important...normally, I would send a normal Fatui guard after it, but I'm sure the Tartaglia would be able to get it back faster..."

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