Chapter 2: March 2nd 3:05 PM

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Kaeya smirked slightly as Albedo talked nonchalantly about alchemy and science. His voice was very soothing, but Kaeya really wasn't paying attention to the things that Albedo said, but instead to smooth, melodic flow of his voice.

"You seem uninterested," Albedo commented, with no facial expression. Kaeya couldn't find any emotion in his voice, except for interest or boredom.

"You know, not everyone knows too much about science. It gets confusing, doesn't it? Talking about something you don't know." Said Kaeya straightforwardly.

"Hmm, I suppose it does. And I just forgot...I'm...tutoring today. I'll be going now."

"Not going to leave me without giving me your number, are you?" Asked Kaeya with a fake look of hurt.

"No, I suppose not. Here..." Albedo said, taking out his phone and showing Kaeya the number.

Kaeya added Albedo into his contacts. "Alright, I'll be seeing you later!" Kaeya winked.

Albedo nodded and then headed off for his house. Kaeya stared at him until he walked out of sight.

Kaeya sighed. A smart man, that guy is. And rather attractive too.

Kaeya grumbled as he searched his cabinet for wine. Nothing. At all. Diluc must've hidden all of it or threw it away. And I just had a fresh bottle of Death After Noon! And Dandelion Wine. He marched upstairs to Diluc's bedroom. He threw open the door to find Diluc studying.

"Hey, Diluc. Where's the wine? You didn't, by any chance, throw it away, did you?"

Diluc didn't turn around, so all Kaeya could see was his red hair. "I did."

"What?" Kaeya's eyes widened and he nearly pouted. The nerve of him to throw away the expensive wine. Kaeya left the room with no reply from Diluc.

Kaeya sighed pulled out his phone.



hey childe.

I need wine

can u come over and give me some


a nice death after noon

or even dandelion wine works.


I ran out

ill buy some tomorrow

my current girl doesnt approve of wine

im breaking up tomorrow


damn it

go get the wine wont u

also why don't u break up rn

and go get the wine



i need the kisses ok



im going



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