Chapter 17: April 30th 8:00 AM

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It was Saturday. But it wasn't just a normal Saturday. It was prom day. But of course, that wasn't until 7:00 PM. Jean and Kaeya were talking to each other in the library. They went to the library to have a meeting, and now were typing away on the computers, replying to emails and whatnot for the fencing club.

"So, Jean, who was in the team again? You realize we'd be against the Fontaine team, right?"

"We have Diluc, you, me and Xingqiu as alternative." Jean added, "But I feel like maybe we should switch someone out for Childe...I'm not sure. Varka isn't back yet, and I don't want to make huge decisions..."

"Please, switch out Diluc..."

Jean frowned at Kaeya. "We have to put efficiency over preference. I think Diluc should be fine."

Kaeya gave a dramatic sigh before going back to typing. "When can we stop?" He complained.

"When all the questions and requests and complaints have been answered. I thought you had more care for the fencing club," Said Jean disapprovingly.

"Well, the point of...ah, never mind..."

A while later, Lisa arrived, carrying a large stack of books and yawning. The librarian who was currently there gratefully left to get coffee.

"Oh, it's you sweeties," Lisa said as she sat down on the chair that the librarian that left had sat in. "What are you two doing? Something for the fencing club...?"

"Emails," Said Jean as she focused on typing. The questions were all similar to each other: How do I apply for the club? Who runs the club? Does the club have tournaments? If I have experience, can I join? They should really set up a FAQ for this...Yes, we should! Jean turned to Kaeya. "I think we should add a FAQ on the website. Then we won't get so many emails."

"Then let's go set it up!" Kaeya grinned as he hurriedly started typing again.

"You seem to be in a hurry," Noted Lisa. "Anyone specific you want to meet today?"

"Shut up,"

"Kaeya! Don't talk to anyone like that." Jean scolded.

"What, you're just defending Lisa because she's your date."

"That's not the point," Jean snapped, blush rising slightly on her cheeks. "You could just say 'stop'."

Kaeya really thought Jean was like a mother. He had never told Lisa the words 'stop' ever.

Lisa yawned. "Calm down...and for your information," She added to Kaeya, "Albedo told me about it. He's also coming to the library at ten."

Kaeya ignored her, possibly seething. After a while of Jean replying to emails—her hand aching—Kaeya interrupted the silence. "DONE!"

Jean finished the email she was sending before standing up and stretching a bit. She walked over to Kaeya's screen, dipping down to read what he wrote. Everything was good until the end.

"Kaeya!" She scolded. "We have to remove that...this is to everyone in the community!

"I think it's perfectly fine," He said, but still removed the tiny text at the bottom reading 'Diluc is an uncivilized pig'. "There."

At that moment, a young girl no older than the age of nine entered the library. She wore all red.

"Klee!" Jean said. "Where is Albedo?"

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