Chapter 4: March 3rd 3:15 PM

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"...Chongyun. I'm...really, really sorry."

Chongyun's eyes widened. Xingqiu never apologized this sincerely. Not for his pranks, anyway. "B-but for what?" He asked.

Xingqiu sighed. "I...was jealous."

Chongyun stared at Xingqiu. "Over...what...?"

Xingqiu backed up a bit. "Thoma. Look, uh, Chongyun...I..." Never start with an 'I love you'. "I like you. Like...m-more than friends."

Silence. Chongyun stared at anywhere but Xingqiu's eyes. He looked at his lap. He noticed that his pants had only one stain. His shoes were pristine and clean. Chongyun's face was hot. His whole body was burning. Why?

Chongyun avoided Xingqiu's gaze and grabbed a popsicle. He had no idea what Xingqiu was doing, as Xingqiu was out of his range of sight.

" called Thoma cute, and—and you wanted to impress him..." Xingqiu said sheepishly. "And I thought that you liked him. And...and stupid me overreacted. I'm so sorry Chongyun. It wasn't your fault. It was mine."

Chongyun licked his popsicle, a breezy chill settling over him. But it was chased away by his body heating up. Again. "It was for a project," He said, still not meeting Xingqiu's eyes. "Mrs. Victoria had us make a project to impress our partners. I'm sorry that I called Thoma cute...and none of it was your fault, Xingqiu..." Chongyun finally looked up to find Xingqiu looking away.

"That proves that I overreacted."

Chongyun hesitated for a moment. He licked his popsicle and gently grabbed Xingqiu's chin to direct his face to stare into Chongyun's. "Xingqiu...I like you too."

Chongyun's heart beat like a hummingbird's wings. Do I ask? WHAT DO I DO? His breathing started to become slightly more noticeable.

Chongyun licked his popsicle. "Don't blame yourself. Please."

Xingqiu stared into Chongyun's eyes. Into the icy blue, cat-like eyes. Into those strikingly beautiful eyes. They shined like ice, or glass. They looked hesitant and nervous as they seemed to search Xingqiu's own eyes.

Chongyun met Xingqiu's stare. He saw Xingqiu's amber eyes. They sparkled in the light. They were the most stunning shade of gold. They were gold—just like Xingqiu. They were filled with intelligence and stories. But now they were anxious and maybe even hopeful.

Xingqiu's chest swelled as he inhaled. "Chongyun...w-will you be my boyfriend?" Xingqiu was filled with hope. If Chongyun rejected him, he would probably burst into tears.

Chongyun's eyes searched Xingqiu's. For a long moment, anticipation, nervousness and fear filled the air. Neither boy talked until—

"Yes. Xingqiu, I'll be your b-boyfriend." His heart lept into his throat. He really did want to be Xingqiu's boyfriend. What if it's going to ruin our friendship? No. Don't think that. He just said that he liked you.

Chongyun felt a wave of emotions roll over him. He was happy. Very happy. Also excited. But he was also nervous.

Xingqiu felt ecstatic. His heart was flying. He was flying. He felt as if he were so light, he would be able to just float away with happiness. It almost chased away all of his anxiety.

But...what now?

Both of the blue haired boys thought the situation was so, so awkward.

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