Chapter 13: March 19th 11:30 AM

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             Chongyun was in class. Math class. Mr. Albert class.

The phone rang, sharply interrupting the dull and boring math facts. Mr. Albert looked surprised. He went over to get the phone, stopping the repeated ringing.

"Huh? Oh, it's not the Barbara fan club mail? Ah—okay."

Barbara fan club mail? What—

"Chongyun? Please come here."

Chongyun stood up, his thumbs twiddling his light blue hoodie as he went over to Mr. Albert. "Y-yes?"

"Your mother called. She wants to talk to you."

Chongyun's heart did a few flips. Was she okay? Why would she call him? He gingerly took the phone from Mr. Albert's grip. "Hi, mom. It's Chongyun."

"Chongyun, I'm at my cancer check up right now. I know this is weird, and I promise everything is okay, but can you come to the hospital?" She then told him the address and the room number. "Take a bus or a taxi. And bring Xingqiu, please. Stay calm, I swear nothing's wrong."

Chongyun was not assured. He licked his lips, scared. "Are you sure—"

"Honey...I'm sure. Now, please be there. I have to go now. Bye! I love you, Chongyun!"

She hung up the phone. Chongyun felt his heart beat erratically.

Mr. Albert nodded at him. "Yes, she's told me that you need to leave...with Qingxiu I believe?"

"...It's...Xingqiu. And...yes." Chongyun went to get his backpack from his chair, trying to ignore his classmate's questioning stares.

He got out of the room and walked to Xingqiu's class. He knocked.

Madame Ping's feeble voice answered. "Yes...come in."

Chongyun nervously opened the door, realizing how much people stared at him. He looked for Xingqiu. Xingqiu was grinning at him. "Uh...I need—Um, can I borrow Xingqiu? For the rest of the day—"

Madame Ping raised a grey eyebrow at him. "And this is because?"

"A call...Mr. Albert has approved—"

Madame Ping frowned before dismissing Xingqiu. Xingqiu hurriedly grabbed his backpack and walked over to Chongyun. Confidently. He really didn't care about the other people staring at the situation. Chongyun and Xingqiu left the classroom.

"So...?" Asked Xingqiu. "I don't like the sound of 'a call'. Who called you?"

"My mom. She said to bring you with me."

Xingqiu was genuinely surprised. Chongyun's mom...bring him? It was just a few days ago when Chongyun's mom intensely disliked him. The thought of her liking him was still a bit...bizarre. "Really? Is she okay?"

"I'm not sure..." Chongyun said quietly. "She called from the hospital. From her cancer check up. She told me she was okay, but I'm not sure if I believe her..."

Xingqiu's face dipped into a concerned frown. "I'll pay for a taxi."

Chongyun was about to protest, but he knew that the taxi would get there faster than a bus would. "No, I can—"

"Chongyunnnn...prettttyyy pleaseeee,"

That was too cute for Chongyun to handle. He took a popsicle as they opened the door and walked out of the school.

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