Chapter 10: March 13th 4:00 AM

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"Master Childe!" Called out a guard.

Childe drowsily turned to the guard. It was FOUR in the MORNING. Eye bags had formed under his dead, emotionless blue eyes. "What?" He asked tiredly.

"We—we've found a lead to the vase."

Childe shot up from his black chair. He closed his files (and the game he was secretly playing). "Where?"

The guard said the address of the place. Childe frowned. Isn't that Zhongli's house? Don't believe it.

He nodded at the guard. He would pay a visit to this house afterwards.


Chongyun seemed distant today. It was lunch. He was hanging out with Xingqiu at the lunch table despite his mother's wishes. His stomach churned with guilt.

Xingqiu personally thought Chongyun's mother was rather selfish. But he understood. The Guhua clan did stylize their fighting technique after an ancestor of Chongyun. But stylize. In fact, the fighting style was actually extremely different. But it had stolen Chongyun's family's money.

"Chongyun..." Xingqiu said quietly. For once, he didn't know what to do. Visiting a pressured mother with cancer to tell her off was probably stepping out of his bounds.

Chongyun made no response.

Xingqiu knew Chongyun's mom was nice. A decent mom. But her biases were so...unreasonable. He knew that she should be the one changing and feeling sorry, but his heart twitched from just thinking something that rude. It's not rude! It could be, but it's the truth, said another part of his brain harshly.

"Is there anything I can do? At all?"

Chongyun thought about it. That was the same thing he had said to his mom yesterday. But yesterday seemed so distant, as if it was behind a misted veil. "I'm not sure." He said, his voice slightly scratchy from the lack of use.

Xingqiu's heart dampened as he gave a popsicle to Chongyun, who gratefully took it.

"Why the sad face? Not the exams?" Came Tomo's voice.

"Issues." Said Xingqiu simply.

"Ah. Okay. Is there anything I or someone can do?"

Xingqiu shook his head, his eyes filling with thoughts.

Tomo wished them luck and quietly left.

Chongyun and Xingqiu stayed together, sitting at the table quietly as everyone else talked and studied.

"Chongyun? I know it's bad...but we still have to study for exams." Xingqiu whispered comfortingly.

Chongyun tried to smile but he couldn't. He mutely nodded and subconsciously licked his popsicle before taking out his papers and notes.

Xingqiu did the same and started scratching out letters on a piece of paper. He was worried. Not only would this give Chongyun anxiety, but it would also distract him from his exams.

They continued like this until the bell rang.

"Hey, Yunyun?" Asked Xingqiu quietly. He was glad that they had science next. He could escort Chongyun to the classroom. "We have to go,"

Chongyun sighed and put away his papers before standing up and quietly thanking Xingqiu.

Xingqiu gave Chongyun a small, worried smile as they started for the hallways.

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