Chapter 15: April 25th 8:00 PM

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Nothing eventful happened over the last few weeks of Spring Break. Xingqiu occasionally visited. Chongyun slowly recovered from his mother's death. The only two important things were Chongyun's dad being irresponsible and the prom.

Xingqiu woke up worried about Chongyun. He always did. But today he was going to see Chongyun at school. The first day of school.

Xingqiu panicked as he tried to find something to wear. He eventually managed to find something. He went to the bathroom to brush his teeth before going downstairs to the smell of...pastries?

"Xingqiu!" Xingqiu's mom smiled at him. "I made some cookies and milk. I think we've been eating fancy stuff way too much, so..."

Xingqiu grinned. "Thanks mom." He was dying to eat pastries. All they ever ate were Jade Parcels (that did taste good but were extremely boring after eating them a million times), and snacks were an appreciated change.

He quickly finished eating the cookies and grabbed his backpack for school. "Right, bye mom! See you!"

"Have a good day!" Xingqiu's mom waved as she cleaned up the dinner table. This made Xingqiu a little guilty that he didn't clean up after himself.

Xingqiu gently closed the door, but it still shut with a loud bang that made him cringe.

He took the familiar path to school, seeing Amber on the way.

"Hi Xingqiu!" She called.

"Hi Amber. How are you?" He said as she walked over to him.

"I'm great!" She grinned. "I—uh, Eula and I...uh, had a date yesterday..." Her face was rather red with embarrassment.

"Congratulations! Are you going to the prom with her?" Asked Xingqiu.

"Yeah, and um, what date was the prom again?" She asked. "I don't remember..."

"The thirtieth, I believe."

"Ah, okay. Thanks!" Amber smiled.

The two had small talk as they reached the school. They were a few minutes early, so Amber went to the library. The library opened an hour early, as Lisa loved the library that much.

Xingqiu set to find Chongyun. He did find Chongyun—he was reading a book. Xingqiu silently crept up to Chongyun and was about to scare him, but Chongyun looked up from his book.

"Hi Xingqiu."

"How are you, Yunyun? Is everything alright, then?" Xingqiu was only a tiny bit disappointed when he couldn't scare Chongyun.

"I'm fine...everything is normal. How about you?"

"I'm okay. What are you reading? Is it good?" Asked Xingqiu, distracted by Chongyun's book.

"It's called The Day the Wind Blew." Chongyun said. "Have you ever considered being an author?" He asked suddenly.

"I have...uh, why?"

"You really love reading."

"I sometimes write on the computer. My handwriting is apparently really messy, but I think it looks fine...I can read it, anyways."

"Can I read so me of your writing?"

"Of course you can! I have a piece of parchment with a bit of my story in my desk."

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