A crazy concert

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I shout and give my mom a hug
"Of course I know how much you wanted the vip pass so I have been saving" she hands me two tickets to the big time rush concert
"Wait two!!?" I look up in confusion
"Take a friend" she walks over to the Kitchen
"But how could you afford this"
Me and my mom aren't poor but we're not well of either my dad left us when I was 3
"I didn't buy you a birthday gift remember?"
"Yea.. but you didn't have to"
"You deserve it, anyways it's next week so you better pick something to wear" she adds
Hmm I'm not sure what I should wear
I mean the vip tickets of this show let me go in the back after the show and meet them so I gotta impress
"Definitely no"
Well I have no clothes
I pull out a black dress just perfect for a concert
Maybe I did have something to wear
"Come in!" I shout
"So did you pick something to wear" my mom asked me "this room is a mess"
My mom 24/7
"I did" I point to the dress
"Oh uhm you can't wear that" my mom takes it from the hanger
"Wait what do you mean, why can't I wear it"
I stare
"It's to revealing, your lucky I'm even letting you meet these boys because I don't like you around boys especially wearing that"
My mom is super protective it's cus my dads no here to so called "protect me" but he wasn't here for anything I roll my eyes and pick a different dress
"Is this one good" I point
"Fine I'll wear pants!" I I sarcastically smile and plop myself on the bed I mean at least I got the tickets
I have a friend Maddie shes like in love with Logan so she's gonna freak when I tell her we can go she will probably get kicked out for trying to kiss him or something
I pick up my phone and call her
"Hi Maddie, I wanted to know are you free next week" i ask her
"I'm free on Friday is that good?"
"That's perfect dress to impress but not to impressing kinda like casual impress" I tell her
"Okay but what are we doing"
"That's a surprise" I smile
"No no tell me!!-"
I hang up
This will be fun
Next day
I see Maddie running up to me at school
She shakes me
"Uh okay" I take her hands off my shoulders
"I'm not telling you" I shut my locker and start to walk away
"Plz tell me I'm going insane!!"
I raise my eyebrow
"Trust me you will go more Insane if I tell you" I walk off and she sighs
It's gonna be a long week
Okay it's Thursday night and I can't sleep
I know tomorrow I still have to go to school but the concert is also tomorrow I can't believe I'm actually going!!
I pick up my phone from my night stand
It's Maddie
Maddie: hiiii
Me: what do you want
Maddie: tell me what it is plz!!!
Me: I'll give you a hint
Maddie: okay
Me: 4 singing boys
me: Mabye 😉
My moms out and this is the perfect time to put in the dress without her noticing I put the dress on and it looks really good
I put my hair up in a ponytail
And do some makeup
I text Maddie to see if she was ready
Today at school all she would do was bug me and yes she guessed what it was
Me: are you ready I'm going to pick you up
Maddie: yep I'm so excited!!
I pick up my car Keys and walk out i start the car and go to maddies house -
"Heyy!!" I roll the the window down
She opens the car window
"Omg I'm so excited!!" She can hardly sit still
"So am I!!" We both squeal
"Ok let's go" I start to put the location in the gps and drive
We get there and squeal as we walk up to security they scan us and we walk through
It's already really full and we walk through people to get to the vip area
"Oh gosh I'm so excited!" Maddie squeaked "we're already here chill a bit" I pull out my phone and check the time okay still about 10 minutes till they come on stage more and more people start to get here the vip area is almost full "I think I'm gonna pass out" we hear Somebody say "crazy fans am I rig—" Maddie gets cut off as they start to enter the stage "OMG!!! I LOVE YOU LOGAN" she screams at the top of her lungs I smile and start to shout to "WOOOO" I chant
The start singing the song
And Maddie is going crazy
I pull out my phone to record the show
Of course
My boyfriend is texting me
Him:hey babe
Me; hi
Him: so are you busy
Me: I told you I'm at the concert
Him: so your not busy
Me : haha :|
Him: if you love me you would leave there right now
Me: are you jelly that I'm gonna meet them 😂
Him: no your not gonna meet them
Me: yes I am
Him: no your not
Me: yes I will
I shut off my phone and roll my eyes
Me and my boyfriend have been in a difficult relationships never lets me talk to any boys but today he's not gonna hold me back
They sing more songs and the show is good over
"I can't believe we're gonna meet them" I say to Maddie
"Yeah me neither" we walk up the steps and there's a line we're the last ones there

It's are turn abs we walk up
"Omg" Maddie freezes
Are you kidding me
"Maddie" I tap her
"Yeah I'm so sorry about her"
I say to them but
She unfreezes and says hi
"Can we get a picture" I say shyly
"Yeah sure" I pull out my phone and we take a picture
"Can I also get something else" Maddie starts
She jumps onto Logan and they both fall to the floor
The other boys try to get her off him
And i just wanna fall in a well
This is so embarrassing
They get her off him
"Uh okay" he walks off
Looking traumatized
"Im so so sorry" I say and jester Maddie to go to the car
"Oh yeah no worries it happens all the time just usually there not that strong" Kendall smiles at me and I almost melt
"Okay uh uh bye now" I smile awkwardly and run

Sorry if this is really bad I'm trying trust me I'm still kinda structuring the story so I'm not really sure what's the next move but uh yea
Plz vote and I'll try to be fast with the next part  —- I do not own the btr characters just the storyline

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