The clock is ticking

425 5 2

Me and Maddie had to start looking for singing auditions but I wasn't easy
Finally we found someone who was hosting an audition today at 3:00
And we needed a song to sing
"Ok What song matches your voice"
Maddie says as she scrolled through her own playlist
"I was thinking we belong by dove Cameron" I say and play her a bit of the song "hm okay I think you should do bite me by Avril Lavigne" she suggested "oh definitely not that song does not suit my voice" I add "how about you do that one"
The clock hits 2:45
And we rush downstairs
I bump into someone
"Omg I'm so sorry" I say picking up there things and I look up
"No worries, I'm jo"
I give her her things
"Im y/n" I smile at her
"Anyways Do you live here?"
She asked me
"Yeah I do I'm new"
"Oh that why I haven't seen you around anyways maybe we could be friends" she suggested
"Yeah sure" I pull out my phone and we exchanged numbers
"Anyways see you around"
She tells me and walks off
"Come on hurry we're gonna be late"
Maddie angrily said
"Ok Sorry"
We get in the audition room
And people stare
"Your number 24 you 25" an angry lady placed numbers on us
And we take are seats
"Ok im really nervous" Maddie said well taking deep breath's
"It's fine what's the worse that could happen"
We just did are audition and we got chastised by a man
"If we don't get signed by a record label soon we're moving back" she says
"Look It's not my fault he thinks we sing worse then pigs" I argue
We get in my car and it's a silent drive back to the apartments
She goes into her apartment and me to mine
It's back to Brady and all those people if I don't get this figured out
I decide to text jo
Me: hey jo
Her: oh hey!
Me: I just wanted to know if you knew anyone that could sign me and my friend to a record label
Her: yeah I think I do meet me in the lobby tomorrow and I'll help you
Me : okay thx!
This chapter is actually half decent anyways if you guys have tik tok follow me @jackszfav I post btr things and I follow back 💕 don't forget to vote and comment any suggestions

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