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"That was perfect" the man recording said "thank you I worked really hard on writing that song" I smiled happily
"I noticed, I was hoping you could write some more so we can make you debut album" I was shocked
"Uh- yeah sure is there a deadline"
"No rush and maybe we can even get  another artist to collaborate with you"
He said
"Okay! I'll start writing those other songs"
I told him and left the building when I got home I immediately texted Lucy to tell her and she was siked maybe we would collab
I knock on Kendall's door to tell him
"Oh- uh hey"
He said a little worried
I scrunch my eyebrows
"Are you okay"
"Yeah I guess"
"What's up"
"I'm up" I blonde girl apears behind Kendall
"Maddie?!, why is she there!" I shout
"He had to go" she shot me a sarcastic smile
She looked different
Why was she there and why was Kendall upset
Wth was going on
I text Kendall
"What the hell is going on"

"Look idk Maddie is trying to get with me"

"Then tell her to leave"

"No if if I do she's gonna make up some lie to Gustavo just like she lied about you"

"Well then what the fuck are you gonna do"

"Idk but I gotta go"
I just read this over idk why it's so dramatic but I was listening to euphoria music so maybe that's why
Lmao I was gonna end it soon but I think ima make it longer cuz I need to make Kendall and y/n have more chemistry 😫

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