Really kendall reallllllyyyyy

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Okay so I have been walking around my house for 20 minutes waiting for the call It had just been the one week mark and I was crazy excited
"One sec" I shouted and ran over to the door
I open it
He half smiles
"Look I'm sorry"
I sigh
"Okay uh can we talk later I'm kinda waiting for something" I say rushing to close the door
I was not ready to talk to him
And what if this is one of Maddie plans to get something out of me
He knocked again
I think I was gonna have to talk to him
I opened the door again
  "Okay what do you want" I asked
"Well I just wanted to say sorry and I was hoping you could forgive me for believing Maddie"
He said
I rolled my eyes
"What do you not believe her anymore"
"Well what happened"
I said inviting him in as now I was intrigued
"Well Maddie stoped talking to me now that her music is taking off"
Was he talking to me just because Maddie stopped talking to him
"But I was hoping you could help me"
Unbelievable he just apologized and now he wants help doing something but me being the stupid idiot I am I said
"Yeah sure what do you need"
"Can you Maybe help me get rid of my feelings for her"
HE LIKED HER?!??!??!

This is very short but I have been focused more on school so that's the reason behind the lack of updates but I think I'll have 10 ish more chapters but if I have more ideas I'll make it longer
I was originally going for 40-50 chapters and I was gonna make a love triangle between James and Kendall ending up with Kendall ofc but I don't have enough time or energy to do that :/

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