Liar, liar pants on fire

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Me and Maddie woke up to the sound of her mom calling her she was mad that Maddie slept over and that she needed to come home to help her pack
"Well I gotta go my mom is already here" she stands up grabbing her purse "okay see you later" she walks out and I get up out of bed my moms already wide awake and half the living room is packed "mom you should have asked for me to help you" I say
"Oh no it's fine I I figured you would be tired from yesterday, all we have left is your room and the bathroom"
Wow I can't believe my mom did all that on her own "okay I'll start with my room" I grab a box and start to place things in it
"Ok were all done" my mom sighs and closes the moving truck
"Ask Maddie if she's done" she point to my phone
"Yeah okay"
I hang up and tell her that she's done and she's on her way to the palm woods now
"Let's go then"
My mom starts to drive and we would come back to get are cars later
We get there and check in, in the lobby
"That man was kinda rude don't you think" I say to Maddie
"Yeah and when we said we wanted to move here to become singers he got mad" she replied
That's the thing I forgot to mention me and Maddie wanna become singers well Not together we wanna become solo artists
We walk out to see the pool
"Wow this is a really nice pool" we hear her mom comment
We hear some voices behind us and turn to see
"Bro no way" she taps me
"Do you see them to"
"Yes I see them Maddie"
Well there was big time rush in the lobby then they saw us
We hear the talking
"Omg it's the crazy girl" Logan starts
"She probably followed us here"
Well there definitely gonna think we were stalkers
They start to walk away and Maddie starts to walk towards them I stop her
"Oh no way, your not following them"
"Plzzzzz" she begs
We walk up to are rooms and put are stuff in them are apartments were close to each-other but not side by side we organize the things once we're  done we're exhausted  
"You know I'm really tired" I say as I lay down on the couch
"Yeah same" Maddie yawns as she walks back to her apartment
I shut the door and rest a bit
And that's when I here my phone
It's Brady
I dont even wanna look at the message but I do
Him: look I'm sorry babe we should get back together only if you apologize
Me: for what?!?
Him: meeting with the boy band
Me: look for you information me meeting some boys and getting a picture with them is way different then you kissing Evelyn and btw I'm not going back to that school and I already have a new boyfriend

Yeah that was not true

Him: well let me get a picture of this so called boyfriend of yours
I shut off my phone
Now how am I supposed to prove this so my friends at school don't call me a liar
What do y'all think is gonna happen next im not sure what I should make happen lol but uh plz vote and comment Thxx

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