Maybe it was just a pretruth

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"Your crazy" Maddie says as I'm pacing around her new room
"You know you don't have a boyfriend, and if we can't get a record deal we're not going to the palm woods school and we're going back to are old one" 
She laughs
"Look I know and your not making me feel better" I sit next to her
"Look I can dress up as a boy if you want" she grabs a wig from inside a box
"You just have that lying around?" I let out a chuckle
"I have a lot more" she winks
"Well they know what you look like Maddie"
"I have an idea" she says
"Go on"
she adds "you should pay someone to do it I mean there's lots of cute boys here"
"No way" I smile
"Well then tell him your lying"
"Fine I'll do your idea"
"We already asked like 5 boys and they either laughed pretended to be deaf or straight up said no"
"We should knock on this door"
She knocks
I stare at the floor
They open the door
"Can you pretend to be my boyfriend for a picture-" I'm still staring at the floor as i was already embarrassed 5 times today
"Seriously" my head flings up
It's Kendall
Oh gosh
"So what do I have to do"
He smiles
"Uh uh um Just Take a picture with me" I say and pull out my phone
I pull out my phone and we take a picture
"Uh thanks here" I hand him 30$
"Oh you don't have to pay"
"No take it" I insist
Maddie falls to the floor
And we both look at her
Plz don't tell me she fainted
"Are you okay" I tap her
"I think" she says and gets up
Maddie has epilepsy and she faint a lot and sometimes has seizures
"Oh uh I gotta go" I say to Kendall and  help her up
I bring her in the elevator and tell her mom what happened
"Thank you sweetie I'll take care of her from now" she pats me on the shoulder
"No problem" I walk out of her apartment and send the picture to Brady
Him: your not dating the boy from the band lol
Me: yes I am when you told me I shouldn't meet him I did and I kissed him
Him: so you can't be mad that me and Evelyn did the same

Ugh I hate him so much I should have thought about that
Now people are gonna say ima cheater
There's no way I'm letting myself have to go back to that school
This chapter sucks I'm kinda making the story up as I write it lmao
Plz vote and if you have any ideas let me know and I'll credit you

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