Juicy moments

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Me and the guys start running in the halls trying to find James they stop at the door to the pool "there he is"
Kendall says pointing to the pool we walk over there and he doesn't see us "bro!" Kendall shouts " 0h uh hi" James says startled  " weren't you guys busy writing a song" he nervously laughs " we're done with the song and we thought you were busy" Kendall says and the other just nod behind him " well I was busy" he says "doing??"
" tanning" he mumbled in response to Kendall " that's it" Kendall carlos and logan Start runing after him and Maddie comes downstairs " hey where did the guys go" she asked me and I pointed to them tackling each other " honestly I thought Big Time Rush would get along better" we both laughed and start walking into the lobby " I got to go upstairs to get my song and practice you want to come" I asked Maddie " no I can't" she chuckled nervously and started walking away in a weird way
I get in the elevator and stop at my floor when I get upstairs I see that my doors are open Maddie forgot to close it good thing I came up here when I walk in I see my song where I left it but there's some red juice spilled all over it "WHAT!" I shout trying to pick up the cup and drying the paper as best as I could but the letters we're all smudged and I could barely read it I didn't memorize all the songs so I was gonna have to rewrite it.
This one was short but I have like three chapters already written out I just have to transfer them to wattpad honestly I just write stories when I'm bored at school so I decided why not add onto this one since I'm always busy I need to know if you guys want me to add a kind a love triangle type thing and then at the end you guys will vote who you want y/n to stay with but barely anybody read this anyway LOL

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