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" I want to sign you" Gustavo started " you have a perfect voice for my new solo artist spot" he said to me I look at Kendell and we both smile he gestures for me to agree and I do I go into a room and Gustavo and his assistant explain to me what happens I'm so glad I don't have to move out I leave the room and Kendell is still waiting for me Logan has already left and Maddie burst out of the room Karma
" so how does it feel to be a singer" he asked jokingly " I don't know it doesn't feel too different yet" me and Kendell end up going to the park and just talking the whole time I honestly can't believe this all began with a ticket to a concert and is now ending a friendship but I feel like here I found better people it's about 8 PM at this point in my mom wants me home so I tell Kendell I have to go and he wants to stay a bit longer so I start walking to my car
Once I'm at the palm would I go into the elevator and a girl is in there I look at her but then look again " Omggg Lucy stone" I shout "uh yeah" she smiles " I saw you met some of my friends" " yeah I think I did I love your songs" she's even nicer than I expected "thanks" she says shyly
Never in my life would I have thought Lucy stone was gonna be shy I get onto my floor and waived by I get into my apartment and my mom glares at me " where were you" she says firmly " I was out with my friend" I stutter "who" she gets even more mad "Kendall" I stutter again
"A boy of course and it's the one from the stupid boy band what have I told you about boys" mom stands up " if you're out after 8:00 pm one more time we're moving out understood!"
I don't say anything she walks away into her room and I go to mine

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