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I woke up super early the next morning to talk to Kendall about yesterday and if he was okay
I knock on his door
"I'll get it" I hear someone say
"Oh hey y/n" it was James
"Oh hi James, is Kendall there" I asked
"Oh uh kendall left with someone he said he had to go somewhere"
"Oh okay well if you see him around tell me" I smile sadly
"Okay" he shuts the door
I really hope he didn't leave with Maddie
It's a little later and By the pool basically looking around to see if I see Kendall
Then I do
I quickly get up and rush to go talk to him
"Kendall!" I shout running over to him
"Oh hey" he says with his head down
"What's wrong" I furry my eyebrows
"Well yesterday I told Maddie to leave and she told Gustavo that I tried to touch her or something"
"Wait so are you getting dropped from the record label" I say upset
"No but only because of big time rush"
We both sit down in the lobby
"I can't believe what Maddie is doing she's ruining all are lives!" I shout
"I think it's time we get revenge on her" I say a little lower
Kendall stands up
"Let's do it"
Heyyy I know I said I was gonna make this story way longer but I actually think I'll make it like 5-10 chapters longer but I have another acc and I'm making a new big time rush story on there called 'boys will be bugs' and the acc is lovethunders it's a James diamond x female oc story and I'll try to make it better then this one and if your in to thundermans I have one on ther called good witch max thunderman x y/n

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