Maddie the idiot

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Today I woke up feeling kind of upset I only had today to finish rewriting the song *knock* I get up yawning and open the door it's Maddie and Logan "so good news, we moved the audition to today it's in 15 minutes!"
I say inside my head but instead of saying anything I just slam the door, hard it had got to be Maddie she sabotaged my song and then left the door open to see if I would think it was someone else she knew we could both be chosen so I'm not sure why she would do this to me
but I just get dressed and get in my car if Maddie thought she was stopping me she was wrong I would just sing what I knew I get there and Kendall is already there I don't tell him what happened he wishes me good luck and I walked into the room once I was in there all the lyrics came rushing back I sing it now
Once we got out of the audition Maddys face dropped she didn't know how I did that but I can barely look at her face I sit next to Kendell and Maddie next to Logan I could see he still wanted nothing to do with her I didn't care at first I would try to help her win him but there's no way I would do that now
she was fidgeting and I knew she was nervous she always does that when she's nervous she's done that since we were five I can't believe SHE my friend since I was five wanted me to fail
Gustavo walked out and he said " Great news everyone your song is great and your song sucks"
I'm gonna leave y'all on a little cliffhanger over here sorry
Anyways I think I have like two more chapters written out everything's
Happening a little fast but if I don't make it happen fast you guys will get uninterested
Anyways if you have any ideas don't hesitate to comment and if you have any predictions comment that too

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