Wait hes Acually a normal human being?

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I wasn't happy with anybody not my mom not Kendall not Maddie so insteadu of staying home I just go to the lobby since it's Saturday I see so many people splashing in the pool walking around with their friends and I'm over here basically crying.

Oh great I see James walking over here "are you okay?" He sat down next to me "yeah I'm fine" I turn my head around so he doesn't see me
"No your not" He says back to me
"Then you would you ask" I say and turn to him now a little pissed off "I mean if your here to tell me how good you are at singing or how good you look I'm not interested"
He rolls his eyes
"Okay I get it I mean that's all you saw from me but that's not all I am" he says
"Anyways enough about me what's wrong?"
"Your friend is wrong" I start
"Kendall he and Maddie are at Roque records"
"But didn't you get chosen why is he with her?"
" I mean I don't know Maddie said some lie and Kendall believes her"
I said " but I don't know why I'm telling you this it's not like you're gonna believe me instead of your best friend"
"Look Kendall might be my best friend but that doesn't mean he's always right even though most of the time he is"
"not making me feel better"
"Sorry" he smiles maybe he wasn't that bad and maybe he was actually kinda cute
I wrote this in class lol not my best I was gonna make it more romantic but then I thought it was to much so I'm gonna leave it at that ;)
Plz vote yall don't vote lmao

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